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揭秘Pi Network的前世今生 - 知乎

揭秘Pi Network的前世今生 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册揭秘Pi Network的前世今生Pick我们的热爱能走多远,直到向往的风景变成走过的路圆周率π(Pi Network)和比特币(Bitcoin)目的都是打造一套去中心化的电子交易系统,都是一场全球性的社会实践。Pi Network不仅仅是一种加密货币,它是斯坦福博士团队开发的革命性创业项目,将区块链技术和加密货币所带来的经济价值和社会效益传递给普通民众。Pi的愿景是建立世界上最具包容性的点对点市场(peer-to-peer marketplace),由世界上使用Pi的日常人员去推动(去中心控制,高效,安全)。Pi的前世今生:PiNetwork①斯坦福区块链研究中心(2018年成立)负责人David教授发明设计了stellar技术;②瑞波创始人Jed离开瑞波后,发行了stellar币,为了腾出时间做更多有意义的事情,Jed在伯克利大学一年级退学,也是曾经世界上最大的文件分享网络之一,电驴(eDonkey)的创始人,被称为“电驴之父”。2012年,他联合创立Ripple,并在2014年离开Ripple,创立了Stellar,和Ripple类似,是一种基于分布式金融科技的开放式支付网络,将目光更多锁定在草根用户或创业公司群体上。他希望通过不断的技术创新提升人们的生活,从而获得成就感。③IBM和stellar合作,发展企业级支付解决方案;④斯坦福区块链研究中心的两个成员,2019年基于stellar创办了Pi,发展普通用户支付解决方案和挖矿方案。其中有两名成员Vince和Nioclas就是Pi的创始人之二。Stellar是致力于普通人都可以使用的支付系统,IBM采用其核心后发展为企业级的支付系统,而Pi在Stellar上扩容升级,进一步实现普通人都可以使用的支付系统。Pi Network:π币是美国斯坦福大学博士团队(这个大学世界排名第二)开发的社交裂变的挖矿(比特币现在的挖矿成本巨大,已经不适合绝大部分人参与了),创始人在2009年做了一款社交应用,人数达到2000多万。世界最大的社交公司脸书(微信的祖宗)称这个应用是病毒式社交的典范,创始人由此获得了脸书的创新基金奖。温馨提示: Pi分4个季度,第一季度:3月14日一6月14日, 第二季度: 6月14日一9月14日第三季度:9月14日一12月14日第四个季度:12月14日一2020年3月14日结束。公司会审核会员的真实帐户,KYC(Know Your Customers)不合格的进行销毁(手机不验证的,分身挖矿等),将合格的会员牵入主网, 第四个季度根据会员总量定价格,以及开放交易。现在处于挖矿第一阶段,可以获得比较高的收益,整体来看,Pi 的项目背景和前景都是非常不错的。Pi 挖矿不浪费流量不浪费电池,没有污染没有噪音,无成本无耗能,只要24小时后领取收益继续挖矿即可。在比较现有共识算法(记账的过程)时,Stellar共识协议成为实现用户友好、智能手机挖掘的主要候选方案。SCP使用一种称为联邦拜占庭协议的新机制来确保对分布式账本的更新是准确和可信的。SCP是由斯坦福大学计算机科学教授戴维MaZi-Eres设计的,他也是恒星发展基金会的首席科学家。Pi的共识算法建立在SCP之上,(SCP目前已在Stellar network中得到验证)。与主要由公司和机构(如IBM)作为节点的Stellar不同,Pi打算允许个人设备在协议级别做出贡献并获得奖励,包括智能手机、笔记本电脑和台式机。目前0成本挖矿,类似比特币早期,错过09年比特币别再错过19年Pi币。pi network app内置43个国家聊天室,越挖产量随矿工的增多而越少,挖的人满足10进制(列1万,10万,100万,1000万……)就减半,创世团队和官方路线是主网上线或者达到1000活跃矿工时停止挖矿(现全球活跃矿工已超1000万),现在看来是要等主网上线。所以越早进场挖的越多。Pi项目的格局和野心很大,现阶段相当于早期的btc挖矿,未来会越来越稀有。Pi的伟大愿景:释放人类未充分利用的资源,在线共享并从中获利。具体应用场景分以下4点阐述:1、Pi Ledger和共享信任图-跨网络扩展信任互联网上最大的挑战之一就是要知道信任谁。今天,我们依靠诸如Amazon,eBay,Yelp之类的提供商的评分系统来了解我们可以与谁进行互联网交易。尽管我们(客户)在评估和审查同行方面都付出了辛勤的工作,但这些互联网中介机构却抓住了创造这项工作的最大价值。如上所述,Pi的共识算法创建了一个本地信任层,该层无需网络即可扩展网络上的信任。虽然一个人的安全圈的价值很小,但我们各个安全圈的总和会建立一个全球性的“信任图”,以帮助人们了解Pi网络上谁可以被信任。Pi Network的全局信任图将促进陌生人之间的交易,而这在其他情况下是不可能的。反过来,Pi的本国货币允许为网络安全做出贡献的每个人都能分享他们所创造的价值中的一部分。2、Pi的注意力市场-交换未利用的注意力和时间Pi允许其成员聚集他们的注意力,以创建一个关注市场,其价值远胜于任何个人的关注。构建在该层上的第一个应用程序将是当前托管在该应用程序主屏幕上的稀缺社交媒体渠道。您可以想到稀缺的社交媒体频道例如Instagram,一次只发布一个全球职位。Pioneers(Pi网络使用者)可以通过共享内容(例如,文本,图像,视频)或提出问题以吸引社区的集体智慧,从而使Pi吸引网络的其他成员。在Pi网络上,每个人都有机会成为有影响力的人或利用人群的智慧。到目前为止,Pi的核心团队一直在使用此渠道调查社区对Pi设计选择的看法(例如,社区对Pi徽标的设计和颜色进行了投票),我们收到了许多关于社区对Pi的选择的反馈项目。一个可能的未来方向是,为开拓者市场开放注意力,让任何先驱者使用Pi来发布其内容,同时扩大Pi网络上托管的频道数量。除了与同行交换注意力外,Pioneers还可能选择与寻求关注的公司交换意见。美国人平均每天看到4000到10000个广告,广告公司为争取客户的关注而奋斗,并为此付出了大量的金钱,但是客户却没有从这些交易中获得回报。在Pi的关注市场中,想要吸引Pioneers的广告公司将不得不补偿Pi的受众。Pi的广告市场将仅被严格选择加入,这将为Pioneers提供一个利用他们最大的未开发的资源——他们的注意力,获利的机会。3、Pi的易货市场-建立您的个人虚拟店面除了对Pi网络的信任和关注外,我们希望Pioneers将来能够贡献自己的独特技能和服务。Pi的移动应用程序还将用作销售点,Pi的成员可以通过“虚拟店面”向Pi网络的其他成员提供未开发的商品和服务。例如,某成员将自己公寓中未充分利用的房间出租给Pi网络上的其他成员。除了实际资产外,Pi网络的成员还可以通过其虚拟店面提供技能和服务。例如,Pi网络的成员可以在Pi市场上提供他们的编程或设计技能。随着时间的推移,Pi的价值将得到越来越多的商品和服务的支持。4、Pi的分散式应用商店-降低创作者的进入门槛Pi网络的共享货币,信任图和市场将成为更广泛的分散应用程序生态系统的土壤。如今,任何想要启动应用程序的人都需要从头开始引导其技术基础架构和社区。Pi的分散式应用程序商店将使Dapp开发人员能够利用Pi的现有基础结构以及社区和用户的共享资源。企业家和开发人员可以向社区提出新的Dapp,以请求访问网络共享资源。Pi还将构建具有一定程度互操作性的Dapp,以便Dapp能够引用其他分散式应用程序中的数据、资产和流程。特别申明:Pi官方不鼓励二级市场的炒作行为,并明确表示:如今所有售卖预卖 Pi 的行为都是非授权非法的,不要从任何第三方购买Pi,如购买,后果自负!pi 为草根而生在确定了Pi愿景后,核心团队开始寻找一种方法,能够允许普通民众参与挖掘。值得一提的是,维护分布式账本所面临的主要挑战之一是确保交易不存在欺诈性。虽然比特币验证交易的方式(消耗能量/金钱以证明其可靠性)是可靠的,但它对用户或环境非常不友好。Pi 经济模型比特币最令人印象深刻的创新之一是分布式系统与经济博弈理论的结合。Pi试图在创造一种平衡,在稀缺性、公平性和效率之间取得平衡。我们希望确保我们的用户在为网络做出贡献时获得更多的Pi。Pi的目标是建立一个足够复杂的经济模型,以实现和平衡这些矛盾,同时保持足够直观,供人们使用。Pi的经济模型设计要求:简单:构建直观透明的模型公平分配:使世界上大量的人可以获得Pi稀缺性:随着时间的推移,创造一种稀缺感来维持Pi的价格激励机制:奖励建立和维持网络的贡献者Pi 未来前景互联网上最大的挑战之一就是去判断应该信任谁。今天,我们依赖亚马逊(Amazon)、eBay、Yelp等供应商的评级系统,以了解我们可以在互联网上与谁进行交易。尽管我们作为客户,也为信用评级做了很大的贡献,但是这些互联网巨头获取了其中大部分的价值。恒星共识协议(SCP)拥有以下四个关键属性:1,分散控制2,灵活信任3,低延迟4,渐进安全PiNetwork依托恒星四大关键属性,襄入Pi独特的安全圈机制(Security circle)首创全球第一个由日常人员维护的点对点自由交易(信用)体系,具有跨时代的意义(创建到现在只被模仿,从未被超越)。Pi 注意力市场_交换未利用的注意力Pi允许其成员汇集他们的集体注意力,创造一个比任何个人的注意力都更有价值的关注市场。Pioneers可以通过分享内容(例如,文本,图像,视频)或提出试图利用社区集体智慧的问题来吸引网络其他成员的注意力。在Pi网络上,每个人都有机会成为影响者或利用人群的智慧。除了与同行交换关注之外,Pioneers还可以选择与寻求他们关注的公司进行交易。美国人平均每天看到4000到10000个广告,公司尽力去吸引我们的注意力并为此付出巨额资金。但是,我们不会从这些交易中获得任何价值。在Pi的注意力市场,寻求接触Pioneers的公司将不得不补偿他们在Pi中的受众。Pi 的广告市场将严格准入规则,并为用户提供一个机会,让他们将最大的未开发资源之一(注意力)货币化。Pi 的易货市场_构建您的个人虚拟店面除了为Pi网络提供信任和关注外,我们还希望Pioneers能够在未来贡献自己独特的技能和服务。Pi的移动应用程序也将作为销售点,Pi的成员可以通过“虚拟店面”向Pi网络的其他成员提供未开发的商品和服务。例如,一个成员在他们的公寓中提供一个未充分利用的房间出租给Pi网络上的其他成员。除了真实资产,Pi Network的成员还可以通过他们的虚拟店面提供技能和服务。例如,Pi Network的成员可以在Pi市场上提供他们的编程或设计技能。随着时间的推移,Pi的价值将得到越来越多的商品和服务的支持。在2021年1月20日圈里又发生了一件大事,亚马逊商城首笔由PI支付的交易诞生,标志着全球各大电商开始陆续接受PI支付。分散应用生态系统的土壤今天,任何想要启动应用程序的人都需要从头开始引导其技术基础架构和社区。Pi的分散式应用程序商店将允许Dapp开发人员利用Pi的现有基础架构以及社区和用户的共享资源。企业家和开发人员可以通过访问网络共享资源的请求向社区提出新的Dapps。Pi 还将构建具有一定互操作性的数据应用程序,以便数据应用程序能够引用其他分散应用程序中的数据、资产和流程。路线图/部署计划第1阶段 -设计、分发、信任图引导。所有数据运行在测试网上,当前的主要任务是扩展用户,分发Pi。并对其中的功能进行测试和改进。第2阶段—测试网在我们启动主网之前,节点软件将部署在测试网上。测试网将使用与主网相同的完全信任图,但使用测试Pi币。Pi核心团队将在测试网上托管多个节点,但会鼓励更多先锋启动自己的节点。实际上,为了让任何节点加入主网,建议他们先在测试网上运行。测试网络将与第一阶段的Pi模拟器并行运行,并定期(例如每天)比较来自两个系统的结果,以捕获测试网络的漏洞,这将允许Pi开发人员提出并实现修复。在完全同时运行两个系统之后,测试网将达到其结果始终与仿真器匹配的状态。当社区感觉准备就绪时,Pi将迁移到下一个阶段。第3阶段 - 主网当社区认为软件已经准备好上线,并且已经在测试网上进行了全面测试时,Pi网络的官方主网将会发布。一个重要的细节是,在向主网的过渡中,只有通过KYC认证的用户,他所获得的Pi 才会被认可。将关闭测试网,系统将永远独立运行。该协议的未来更新将由Pi开发人员社区和核心团队提供,并将由委员会提出。它们的实现和部署将依赖于节点更新挖掘软件,就像任何其他区块链一样。没有中心机构控制货币,它将完全去中心化。虚假用户或重复用户的余额将被销毁。这是Pi可以连接到交易所并兑换其他货币的阶段。下面介绍了Pi如何利用SCP算法实现个人挖矿。作为Pi矿工,用户可以同时以下四个身份。即:先锋:Pi network App的用户,每天需要激活,确认他们不是“机器人”。用户每次登录时都会验证。他们还可以在应用程序中进行交易(例如,向另一位先锋转账)。贡献者:Pi App的用户可添加自己认识并信任的用户到安全圈列表,从而获得奖励。总的来说,Pi贡献者将构建一个全局信任图。大使:Pi App用户, 通过邀请码的方式邀请其他用户加入。节点:先锋和贡献者可以在台式机或笔记本电脑上运行Pi节点软件。Pi节点软件是运行核心SCP算法的软件,包含贡献者提供的信任图信息。只要用户在当天处于激活状态,都可以获得由以上身份带来的奖励。用户每24小时需要激活一次(点击一下即可),如果24小时后不激活,即停止挖矿。Pi 总量Pi总量不是固定的,而是由用户发展的趋势决定。每当活跃用户数量增加10倍时,挖掘的基本速率就会减半。当Pi网络达到一定数量的用户(例如1000万或1亿)时,该速率最终将降至0。在供应方面,由于前 Mainnet 的采矿机制,优化了网络的可访问性和增长的不确定的供应提出了一些问题的 Main net 阶段,包括规划的不可预测性,新阶段不同类型的必要贡献奖励过高和过低,稀缺性面临挑战。为了解决这些问题,网络将从其前 Mainnet 供应模式,完全依赖于网络行为的 Main net 供应模型,有一个明确的最大供应。 Mainnet 的供应模式具有明确的最大总供应量为 1000 亿 Pi 允许激励持续增长和新的贡献,同时消除对供应不可预测性的担忧。供应分配将遵循 2019 年 3 月 14 日白皮书中的原始分配原则—— Pi 社区有 80 %, Pi 核心团队有 20 %的总循环供应,无论在任何给定的时间点, Pi 网络中有多少循环供应。因此,假定总最大供应量为 1000 亿 Pi ,社区最终将获得 800 亿 PI ,核心团队最终将得到 200 亿 PI 。下面的饼状图描述了总体分布。核心团队的分配以相同的速度解锁,随着社区逐渐挖掘越来越多的 Pi ,可能会通过自我强加的任务受到额外的锁定。这意味着,如果社区有一部分分配在流通中(例如, 25 %),那么最多只能解锁 Core Team 分配中的比例金额(在本例中, 25 %)。编辑于 2023-05-06 11:58・IP 属地福建深度学习(Deep Learning)投胎机器学习​赞同​​添加评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

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请继续阅读,我们将探索 Pi Network 的历史、价值和潜在的未来价格预测。Pi Network 是一个去中心化的加密挖矿平台,由斯...














Pi Network 一直由先锋、核心团队和社区开发人员的去中心化努力推动。这种协作精神通过开发者大使计划得以延续,该计划使社区能够通过...







我们很高兴地宣布,如果满足以下三个条件,我们打算在 2024 年进入主网开放网络期!没有具体的日期设置。这三个基本条件取决于先锋、社区开...













Pi Network开启QR码时代,方便快捷赋能本地商业,大大加快了Pi的流通

准备好使用一项新功能来改变你与 Pi 的交互方式了吗?借助 Pi 钱包中的二维码功能,发送和接收 Pi 变得像点击、扫描和交易一样简单。...






Pi Network与智能合约

先说结论,如果你想的是跟以太坊一样的DApp,Pi Network目前没有这样的功能。 但目前没有,不代表将来没有。 ...






引入质押 DM:用于直接消息的 Pi 集成 Web3 解决方案

Pi 核心团队很高兴地宣布在核心团队应用程序上集成 Pi 加密货币的最新产品功能:Pi Chat 应用程序上的质押直接消息(质...







钱包UI界面更新,增加了二维码功能,使得转账更为便捷打开您的钱包,点击左边的图标然后点击Scan or Show QR Code扫描二维...







有没有发现主网每个账户(钱包)建立的时候,账户的金额都是1? 这是因为每个账户都必须保持最低余额才能存在,该余额是使用Base...





















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换一换求救求救能不能用绑定的邮箱找回密码?呼吁实行全网定向KYC节点已同步,不显示本地区块开节点必须要通过KYC是吗?Pi Day 2023 – All hands on deck!(附尼古拉斯视频讲解)节点不做了会如何处理

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04-042.Pi区块浏览器(Pi Blockexplorer)的功能介绍和使用方法

Pi 区块浏览器的目的是什么?它是一个搜索工具,允许所有先驱者查看Pi区块链的历史。与搜索引擎梳理互联网的方式类似,资源管理器梳理发生的区块...



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请继续阅读,我们将探索 Pi Network 的历史、价值和潜在的未来价格预测。Pi Network 是一个去中心化的加密挖矿平台,由斯坦福大学校友 Nicolas Kokka...



Pi Network 一直由先锋、核心团队和社区开发人员的去中心化努力推动。这种协作精神通过开发者大使计划得以延续,该计划使社区能够通过招募新开发人员加入 Pi Network...



我们很高兴地宣布,如果满足以下三个条件,我们打算在 2024 年进入主网开放网络期!没有具体的日期设置。这三个基本条件取决于先锋、社区开发者和核心团队的集体努力,以及不可控的外...


Pi Network开启QR码时代,方便快捷赋能本地商业,大大加快了Pi的流通

准备好使用一项新功能来改变你与 Pi 的交互方式了吗?借助 Pi 钱包中的二维码功能,发送和接收 Pi 变得像点击、扫描和交易一样简单。想象一下,只需掏出手机并扫描他们的二维码...


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Pi Network:

The Future of Social Cryptocurrency in Web3

47+ Million Engaged Members

An open community powered by a cryptocurrency delivering accessibility and a robust utilities-driven Web3 ecosystem

Free to Mine


Pi is always free to mine on mobile, putting power into the hands of people worldwide for a fairer, more distributed crypto

35+ Core Team Members Globally

From Pi’s headquarters in Silicon Valley to across the United States, Europe and Asia, the Pi Core Team has global reach

Proprietary  & Revolutionary Tech

Pi uses our energy-light mining method with our crowd-scaled KYC solution to provide access and identity verification for Web3

Who We Are

To bring forth a better world of cryptocurrency, the Pi Founders knew they had to integrate theory and practice, applying what they learned in their Stanford PhDs in computer and social sciences to a real-world environment. After identifying key barriers to Crypto accessibility and adoption, the Pi Founders set out to build the next generation of web integrated with blockchain. Pi Network—officially launched on March 14, 2019 (Pi Day), with growing community participation ever since—is their solution. Today, the 35+ full-time Core Team members around the world strive to enable a large, passionate, and globally-spread-out community to make decentralized efforts toward a common purpose.

Our Vision: Build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely distributed cryptocurrency.

Built for Everyone, By Everyone

Pi Network is a community of tens of millions of humans mining Pi cryptocurrency to use and build the Web3 app ecosystem. This blockchain network relies on its community of Pioneers, and rewards them, through an innovative mobile mining mechanism, for their diverse contributions and digital citizenship in a clear, meritocratic  and decentralized way. 

In order to ensure fairness in Pi mining, secure the Pi blockchain, maintain integrity in the Pi ecosystem, and eventually create and safeguard the community-run governance, it is essential to empower real people around the world and disempower malicious actors, bots, or free riders. Pi relies on its community of Pioneers to meritocratically mine Pi tokens using their mobile phones, while Pi KYC serves as a core mechanism to ensure true humanity and build collaboration into the network, enabling the community to create a decentralized ecosystem with meaningful use cases for everyday people.  An accessible developer platform, combined with a large, identity-verified and crypto-enabled social network, positions Pi Network to become a pillar of the next wave of technological revolution.

The Founders

Nicolas Kokkalis

Head of Technology

Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis is a Stanford PhD and instructor of Stanford’s first decentralized applications class, CS359B, in 2018. His work focuses on combining distributed systems and human computer interaction to bring cryptocurrency to everyday people.

As a strong and long-term believer of the technical, financial and social potential of cryptocurrencies, he is determined to move them beyond their current limitations and is committed to bringing the power of blockchain to more people.

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Chengdiao Fan

Head of Product

Dr. Chengdiao Fan is a Stanford PhD in Anthropological Sciences harnessing social computing to unlock human potential on a global scale.

By optimizing human-computer interaction and envisioning the future human socioeconomic life through the web, Chengdiao is building Pi Network to mobilize individuals all over the world to participate and be rewarded for their contributions, and establish an inclusive ecosystem for global citizens to unleash and capture their own agency, and in turn create utilities and productions for society and the world.

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一文读懂 Pi network - 知乎

一文读懂 Pi network - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册一文读懂 Pi networkwillowpi network相信大部分人都听说过比特币或者区块链,如果你还没有听说过比特币,或者只是一知半解,建议您先看完它再接着读下去。Pi 是什么?毫不掩饰地说,Pi 是一种新的加密货币。在撰写本文时,全球已有超过30万的Pi network用户。这说明它确实在普通民众中引起了不小的轰动。Pi 并不是第一个用手机挖矿的加密货币,但它是目前最容易获得的加密货币之一。因为你不需要去购买它,而且你只需在手机上下载一个应用程序,简单注册后就可以持续获取(挖矿),不费流量不费电,兼容iOS和Android。Pi 不仅仅是一种加密货币,它是斯坦福博士团队(开发的革命性创业项目,将区块链技术和加密货币所带来的经济价值和社会效益传递给普通民众。Pi的愿景是建立世界上最具包容性的点对点市场(peer-to-peer marketplace),由世界上使用最广泛的加密货币 Pi 去推动。就像早期的比特币一样,开采比特币真的很容易,在自己的个人电脑上运行比特币挖矿软件就可以赚取50个比特币。随着它开始流行,聪明的矿工们意识到,如果他们有不止一台电脑在开采,他们可以赚更多的钱。随着比特币价值的持续增长,整个公司都加入挖矿大潮。这些公司开发了专门的芯片(“ASIC”),并利用这些ASIC芯片构建了大量的服务器集群(矿场)来开采比特币。这些巨大的矿业公司的出现,推动了比特币淘金热,但也使得普通人很难为区块链网络做出贡献并且得到回报。而且,也开始消耗越来越多的算力(费电),间接导致世界各地环境问题日益严重。比特币开采的便利性以及随后比特币矿场的兴起很快使比特币网络中的算力和财富实现了大规模集中。例如,87%的比特币现在由1%的网络所持有,其中许多币在早期几乎是免费获得的。也出现了像全球最大的采矿公司之一——比特大陆(Bitmain)这样的巨头,其收入和利润已达数十亿美元。这违背了这项技术的初衷,普通人根本没法参与竞争,为此, Pi network应运而生。Pi 为草根而生在确定了Pi愿景后,核心团队开始寻找一种方法,能够允许普通民众参与挖掘。值得一提的是,维护分布式账本所面临的主要挑战之一是确保交易不存在欺诈性。虽然比特币验证交易的方式(消耗能量/金钱以证明其可靠性)是可靠的,但它对用户或环境非常不友好。在Pi中,采用了定制的共识算法,该算法对用户友好,并且能够在个人计算机和智能手机上进行挖掘。在比较现有共识算法(记账的过程)时,Stellar共识协议成为实现用户友好、智能手机挖掘的主要候选方案。SCP使用一种称为联邦拜占庭协议的新机制来确保对分布式账本的更新是准确和可信的。SCP是由斯坦福大学计算机科学教授戴维MaZi-Eres设计的,他也是恒星发展基金会的首席科学家。Pi的共识算法建立在SCP之上,(SCP目前已在Stellar network中得到验证)。与主要由公司和机构(如IBM)作为节点的Stellar不同,Pi打算允许个人设备在协议级别做出贡献并获得奖励,包括智能手机、笔记本电脑和台式机。Pi 经济模型比特币最令人印象深刻的创新之一是分布式系统与经济博弈理论的结合。Pi试图在创造一种平衡,在稀缺性、公平性和效率之间取得平衡。我们希望确保我们的用户在为网络做出贡献时获得更多的Pi。Pi的目标是建立一个足够复杂的经济模型,以实现和平衡这些矛盾,同时保持足够直观,供人们使用。Pi的经济模型设计要求:简单:构建直观透明的模型公平分配:使世界上大量的人可以获得Pi稀缺性:随着时间的推移,创造一种稀缺感来维持Pi的价格激励机制:奖励建立和维持网络的贡献者Pi 未来前景互联网上最大的挑战之一就是去判断应该信任谁。今天,我们依赖亚马逊(Amazon)、eBay、Yelp等供应商的评级系统,以了解我们可以在互联网上与谁进行交易。尽管我们作为客户,也为信用评级做了很大的贡献,但是这些互联网巨头获取了其中大部分的价值。Pi 注意力市场-交换未利用的注意力和时间Pi允许其成员汇集他们的集体注意力,创造一个比任何个人的注意力都更有价值的关注市场。Pioneers可以通过分享内容(例如,文本,图像,视频)或提出试图利用社区集体智慧的问题来吸引网络其他成员的注意力。在Pi网络上,每个人都有机会成为影响者或利用人群的智慧。除了与同行交换关注之外,Pioneers还可以选择与寻求他们关注的公司进行交易。美国人平均每天看到4000到10000个广告,公司尽力去吸引我们的注意力并为此付出巨额资金。但是,我们不会从这些交易中获得任何价值。在Pi的注意力市场,寻求接触Pioneers的公司将不得不补偿他们在Pi中的受众。Pi 的广告市场将严格准入规则,并为用户提供一个机会,让他们将最大的未开发资源之一(注意力)货币化。Pi的易货市场 - 构建您的个人虚拟店面除了为Pi网络提供信任和关注外,我们还希望Pioneers能够在未来贡献自己独特的技能和服务。Pi的移动应用程序也将作为销售点,Pi的成员可以通过“虚拟店面”向Pi网络的其他成员提供未开发的商品和服务。例如,一个成员在他们的公寓中提供一个未充分利用的房间出租给Pi网络上的其他成员。除了真实资产,Pi Network的成员还可以通过他们的虚拟店面提供技能和服务。例如,Pi Network的成员可以在Pi市场上提供他们的编程或设计技能。随着时间的推移,Pi的价值将得到越来越多的商品和服务的支持。分散应用生态系统的土壤今天,任何想要启动应用程序的人都需要从头开始引导其技术基础架构和社区。Pi的分散式应用程序商店将允许Dapp开发人员利用Pi的现有基础架构以及社区和用户的共享资源。企业家和开发人员可以通过访问网络共享资源的请求向社区提出新的Dapps。Pi 还将构建具有一定互操作性的数据应用程序,以便数据应用程序能够引用其他分散应用程序中的数据、资产和流程。路线图/部署计划第1阶段 -设计、分发、信任图引导。所有数据运行在测试网上,当前的主要任务是扩展用户,分发Pi。并对其中的功能进行测试和改进。第2阶段—测试网在我们启动主网之前,节点软件将部署在测试网上。测试网将使用与主网相同的完全信任图,但使用测试Pi币。Pi核心团队将在测试网上托管多个节点,但会鼓励更多先锋启动自己的节点。实际上,为了让任何节点加入主网,建议他们先在测试网上运行。测试网络将与第一阶段的Pi模拟器并行运行,并定期(例如每天)比较来自两个系统的结果,以捕获测试网络的漏洞,这将允许Pi开发人员提出并实现修复。在完全同时运行两个系统之后,测试网将达到其结果始终与仿真器匹配的状态。当社区感觉准备就绪时,Pi将迁移到下一个阶段。第3阶段 - 主网当社区认为软件已经准备好上线,并且已经在测试网上进行了全面测试时,Pi网络的官方主网将会发布。一个重要的细节是,在向主网的过渡中,只有通过KYC认证的用户,他所获得的Pi 才会被认可。将关闭测试网,系统将永远独立运行。该协议的未来更新将由Pi开发人员社区和核心团队提供,并将由委员会提出。它们的实现和部署将依赖于节点更新挖掘软件,就像任何其他区块链一样。没有中心机构控制货币,它将完全去中心化。虚假用户或重复用户的余额将被销毁。这是Pi可以连接到交易所并兑换其他货币的阶段。Pi 矿工下面介绍了Pi如何利用SCP算法实现个人挖矿。作为Pi矿工,用户可以同时以下四个身份。即:先锋:Pi network App的用户,每天需要激活,确认他们不是“机器人”。用户每次登录时都会验证。他们还可以在应用程序中进行交易(例如,向另一位先锋转账)。贡献者:Pi App的用户可添加自己认识并信任的用户到安全圈列表,从而获得奖励。总的来说,Pi贡献者将构建一个全局信任图。大使:Pi App用户, 通过邀请码的方式邀请其他用户加入。节点:先锋和贡献者可以在台式机或笔记本电脑上运行Pi节点软件。Pi节点软件是运行核心SCP算法的软件,包含贡献者提供的信任图信息。只要用户在当天处于激活状态,都可以获得由以上身份带来的奖励。用户每24小时需要激活一次(点击一下即可),如果24小时后不激活,即停止挖矿。Pi 总量Pi总量不是固定的,而是由用户发展的趋势决定。每当活跃用户数量增加10倍时,挖掘的基本速率就会减半。当Pi网络达到一定数量的用户(例如1000万或1亿)时,该速率最终将降至0。到那个时候,就如比特币一样,挖掘者的奖励将会通过交易费的形式而不是通过出新币的方式来获得回报。发布于 2019-10-17 08:34区块链价值​赞同 1​​1 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

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etwork - Apps on Google PlayGamesAppsMoviesBooksKidsgoogle_logo PlayGamesAppsMoviesBooksKidsnonesearchhelp_outline Sign in with Googleplay_appsLibrary & devicespaymentPayments & subscriptionsreviewsMy Play activityredeemOffersPlay PasssettingsSettingsPrivacy Policy • Terms of ServiceGamesAppsMoviesBooksKidsPi NetworkSocialChainContains ads4.4star667K reviews50M+DownloadsRated for 3+infoInstallShareAdd to wishlistAbout this apparrow_forwardPi is a new digital currency. This app allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as wallet to host your digital assets. Pi is fairly distributed, eco-friendly and consumes minimal battery power.Updated onNov 21, 2023SocialData safetyarrow_forwardSafety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. The developer provided this information and may update it over time.This app may share these data types with third partiesDevice or other IDsThis app may collect these data typesLocation, Personal info and 5 othersData is encrypted in transitYou can request that data be deletedSee detailsRatings and reviewsRatings and reviews are verifiedinfo_outlinearrow_forwardRatings and reviews are verifiedinfo_outlinephone_androidPhonetablet_androidTabletwatchWatchlaptopChromebooktvTVdirections_car_filledCar4.4658K reviews54321A Google usermore_vert Flag inappropriateAugust 4, 2019This app is really great. easy to use and has a lot of potential. however, be minded to keep away from the chat as English Channel has a lot of different language in all sorts of characters, a lot of phishing and advertising going on for other similar apps and very rude people with the same questions( which the answers by the way could be found on FAQ and white paper) with the help of incompetent ego tripping moderator.103 people found this review helpfulDid you find this helpful?YesNoGayatri Jadhavmore_vert Flag inappropriateMarch 2, 2024It seems the PI network's account recovery options are quite limited and problematic. Currently, users who forget their password face difficulty logging back in, especially if they're unable to use Facebook or international SMS due to country-specific issues. Adding a backup code, similar to the one used for the wallet, could greatly improve account recovery accessibility and security for many users., The app worked fine for like, two days. Now it keeps crashing and I have to uninstall it and a113 people found this review helpfulDid you find this helpful?YesNoU kmore_vert Flag inappropriateFebruary 28, 2024It seems the PI network's account recovery options are quite limited and problematic. Currently, users who forget their password face difficulty logging back in, especially if they're unable to use Facebook or international SMS due to country-specific issues. Adding a backup code, similar to the one used for the wallet, could greatly improve account recovery accessibility and security for many users.448 people found this review helpfulDid you find this helpful?YesNoSee all reviewsWhat's newThis version fixes a few bugs and improves the app's overall performance.flagFlag as inappropriateApp supportexpand_morepublicWebsiteemailSupport emailsupport@minepi.comshieldPrivacy PolicySimilar appsarrow_forwardIce NetworkIce Labs2.7starSatoshiAimee Han4.4starTrust: Crypto & Bitcoin WalletDApps Platform, Inc.4.6starB-Love NetworkBlockhub Ltd.3.6starMetaMask - Blockchain WalletMetaMask Web3 Wallet4.5starAthene NetworkAthene Network4.3starflagFlag as inappropriateGoogle PlayPlay PassPlay PointsGift cardsRedeemRefund policyKids & familyParent GuideFamily sharingTerms of ServicePrivacyAbout Google PlayDevelopersGoogle StorePhilippines (English (United State

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什么是pi network? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册机器学习深度学习(Deep Learning)network什么是pi network?关注者16被浏览49,260关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题​添加评论​分享​12 个回答默认排序阿黄​ 关注Pi Network是一个新的加密货币项目,旨在通过简化加密货币挖掘过程,使更多人能够参与加密货币的世界。它由一组斯坦福大学毕业生于2019年创建。Pi Network旨在通过消除计算难度、降低能源消耗和依赖特殊硬件来降低挖掘门槛。与传统的加密货币不同,Pi Network采用移动应用程序挖掘,用户只需每天点击一次按钮即可挖掘一定数量的Pi币。此外,Pi Network还提供一种安全、去中心化的交易方式,以实现跨国和本地付款。虽然Pi Network仍处于测试阶段,但它已经吸引了大量的用户,并已经在全球范围内得到了广泛的关注。发布于 2023-03-20 15:17​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​灰色派圈​ 关注2023年主/网的概率,基本就是100%。为什么?因为时机成熟了,新时代要开始了。我们的主/网条件,今年必然成熟,我们先说说主/网的条件:1、自主去中心的实名认证系统,已经完善和进入分阶段的环节。目前,1000万人正在进行认证,然后等着通过,进行迁/移。2、生态应用程序,以及生态繁荣和建设,目前第三次生态web3大赛,超过4000多生态参与,并且正在迁/移至主/网。3、节/点程序,新版本正在加紧开发,在最后阶段支持全球分布式部署。4、其他功能都在不断完善之中。总进度为85%。所以,我们2023年的主/网概率为100%。剩下的日子,已经屈指可数了。只有稳住,加油。发布于 2023-02-01 04:02​赞同​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢

Roadmap | Pi Network

Roadmap | Pi Network

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Pi Network has a three-phase roadmap. Phase III is split into two parts: Enclosed Network (current) and Open Network.


Phase I

In December 2018, Pi publicly listed the mobile app on the major app stores as an alpha prototype that onboarded the initial Pioneers. On Pi Day, March 14, 2019, the original Pi Whitepaper was published, marking the official launch of Pi Network.


Phase II

This phase started on March 14, 2020, marking another critical preparation to the transition to a decentralized blockchain—a live Testnet with distributed Nodes from all over the world. Pi Testnet along with the accessible Node software not only enabled the testing of the blockchain but also initiated the decentralized building efforts by the community to create utilities using Test-Pi.


Phase III Enclosed

This period began in December 2021. The Enclosed Network period means that the Mainnet is live but with a firewall that prevents any unwanted external connectivity. Pioneers will be able to take time to KYC and migrate their Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain while the community builds apps and utilities on the Enclosed Mainnet for the network.


Phase III Open

The Open Network period will begin depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the network’s KYC. Open Network means that the firewall in the Enclosed Network period will be removed, allowing any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to Pi Mainnet.



Pi Network has a three phase roadmap.Phase III is split into two parts:Enclosed Network (current) and Open Network.


Phase I

In December 2018, Pi publicly listed the mobile app on the major app stores as an alpha prototype that onboarded the initial Pioneers. On Pi Day, March 14, 2019, the original Pi Whitepaper was published, marking the official launch of Pi Network.


Phase II

This phase started on March 14, 2020, marking another critical preparation to the transition to a decentralized blockchain—a live Testnet with distributed Nodes from all over the world. Pi Testnet along with the accessible Node software not only enabled the testing of the blockchain but also initiated the decentralized building efforts by the community to create utilities using Test-Pi.


Phase III Enclosed

This period began in December 2021. The Enclosed Network period means that the Mainnet is live but with a firewall that prevents any unwanted external connectivity. Pioneers will be able to take time to KYC and migrate their Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain while the community builds apps and utilities on the Enclosed Mainnet for the network.


Phase III Open

The Open Network period will begin depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the network’s KYC. Open Network means that the firewall in the Enclosed Network period will be removed, allowing any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to Pi Mainnet.

Product Roadmap Progress





Pi Network forms a cohesive ecosystem where apps and utilities are meant to meet practical needs, a robust platform supports decentralized development, a secure blockchain and infrastructure facilitate transactions and transparency, and an engaged community of Pioneers drives both participation and innovation, all converging to realize Pi’s ultimate vision: to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency.

Interested in the products and programs shaping the network? Scroll down or click one of the above buttons to view Pi’s over 20 active projects, each highlighted with their key milestones and works-in-progress. Also fill out the feedback form for this current version, which will help inform the second version coming later.



Mining App

The Pi Mining app is the original main mobile app (available in iOS and Android) where Pi Network started and where Pioneers sign up, mine Pi, receive major network announcements, participate in community activities and interact with others in the community everyday.

See Milestones

As the first and initially the only Pi App—the original vehicle to advance the Pi mission—the Pi Mining app remains a vital hub within the Pi ecosystem. It continues to host core features like Pi mining, balance and breakdown, Security Circles, Referral Team and the Mainnet Checklist—essentials for transitioning to the Mainnet—as well as serving as the launchpad for peer-to-peer growth of the network. Pioneers can easily share their referral code and a download link, further decentralizing the Pi project in its wide distribution globally as more individuals join. With its multifaceted role, the Pi Mining app empowers the global community to actively participate in shaping a more accessible and inclusive digital future. Download the Pi Mining app here.


Released in major mobile app stores in December 2018 alongside the initial beta phase of Pi Network.

Continued iterations and improvements to complete all Pi mining functionality and components: checking in once a day on the app, different roles in the network, and incentivizing active mining and contributions to building the network distribution and security through Referral Teams and Security Circles.

Official launch of Pi Network through the Pi Mining app on March 14th, 2019.

Reached 1,000 Engaged Pioneers in April 2019.

Reached 10,000 Engaged Pioneers in May 2019.

Reached 1 million Engaged Pioneers in October 2019.

Reached 10 million Engaged Pioneers in December 2020.

Reached 25 million Engaged Pioneers in September 2021.

Reached 35 million Engaged Pioneers in May 2022.

Reached 47 million Engaged Pioneers in June 2023.

Registration and account verification processes developed and improved over time to include phone numbers, Facebook, email verification, Apple sign-in, etc.—making it easier for Pioneers to join and engage with Pi.

Account settings and management, such as report process for compromised account, name update appeal process, hiding real name and balance option, and in-app account deletion.

Supporting regular network announcements, educational content, and community events, including surveys, Pi CoInvention, various design/art contests, yearly mining summary, community challenges, etc.

Launch of Mainnet checklist for Pioneers to track their individual progress and understand the steps needed for Mainnet migration, and Pi Lockup interface in December 2021 along with the start of the Enclosed period of Mainnet.


Launch of new mining mechanism to include more diverse mining rewards including lockup and utility usage, etc. in March 2022.

Refresh of the UI/UX on a subset of original features, e.g., Security Circles, Referral Teams, Balance Dashboard, and Mainnet Checklist.

Released translation mechanism to enable Pi Chat Moderator community to help translate the UI text in the Pi Mining app in 50 languages; later extended to Pi KYC and Fireside Forum apps.

In Progress

Registration and sign-in process revamp, streamlining access to Pi Network and fixing issues Pioneers experience in sign-in process.

Improved mining reminder notifications.

Strategies to re-engage Pioneers who have temporarily stopped mining due to technical or other reasons.

Released translation mechanism to enable Pi Chat Moderator community to help translate the UI text in the Pi Mining app in 50 languages; later extended to Pi KYC and Fireside Forum apps.

Future Pipeline

Creation of a dynamic content feed in the Mining App via integration of Pi App content, starting with Fireside Forum content, in order to facilitate community engagement with the utilities on the Pi platform.

UI/UX improvements to facilitate Pioneers’ education and engagement with Pi mining.

Server stability and optimization to ensure smooth, uninterrupted service for Pioneers.

Code optimization to improve app performance.

Curated home screen content to effectively educate new Pioneers in their onboarding journey.

Streamline the Mainnet migration Pioneer journey to increase the completion rate of network KYC and migration: Improvements to Mainnet Checklist to facilitate its discovery and usage in enabling Pioneers to take critical steps such as setting up a wallet and submitting a KYC application, and addition of in-app prompts to guide Pioneers based on their KYC status.

Convenience features to increase Pioneers’ likelihood of completing critical steps blocking their migration to the Mainnet.

Mechanism to enable second and more migrations of Mobile Balance to the Mainnet for individual Pioneers, and ensure accuracy and security.

Analysis of the mining rewards of Referral Team for Pioneers to migrate to Mainnet based on KYC data of their referral teams and overlapped historical mining activities.

Enable the migration of mining rewards from the Referral Team and make sure such migration is accurate and secure.


Pi Chats

Pi Chats is a built-in messaging solution in the Pi App for Pioneers to engage in open-format discussions which has evolved into a communications app with a Web3 mechanism designed to encourage constructive connections while curbing unwanted communications.

See Milestones

Pi Chats is a fundamental element of Pi Network's overall vision, providing an open, inclusive environment where Pioneers can interact and communicate with each other. Positioned not merely as a communal hub but as a Web3 general communication platform, Pi Chats empowers Pioneers to exchange ideas, learn, and converse not just about Pi, but about any array of subjects that resonate within or beyond the Pi community. As chats are an essential functionality required in many applications, Pi Chats will also expand into an integral component of the Pi platform to be integrated into other Pi Apps. In essence, Pi Chats is a manifestation of Pi Network's commitment to fostering a Web3 ecosystem where inclusivity and social connection aren’t just ideals, but everyday realities. Through consistent updates and new features to the app, Pi Chats helps this pioneering vision become a tangible experience for Pi’s growing global community, deepening the utility of Pi for Pioneers worldwide.


Released right after the official launch of Pi Network on March 14, 2019 as a central component of Pi’s social experience.

Enabled Community moderation and formation of voluntary Chat Moderators community to facilitate a safe, informed space by enhancing Pioneer engagement and upholding community standards, e.g., community Moderators answering questions, FAQ tabs in native languages, and enforcement actions like message deletion or user muting.

Diversified chat spaces—integral for broadening Pioneer engagement and enhancing the social and inclusive aspect of the Pi online experience, e.g. expansion to various language-specific channels for native discussions, referral team chats, #PiArt, Pi Developer, Pi Node chats, etc.

Release of Topics feature to improve high signal content and make it easy for the community to comment and react to topic-based content, e.g. Mods FAQ, and many community polls and discussions.

Chat backend migration and frontend refresh that allows Chat to have independent scaling from the main Mining app and more frequent development of new features such as a dark mode setting, a complete UI overhaul for a modern aesthetic, etc.

In Progress

Newly released and continuing to be iterated: Staked Direct Messaging (DMs) is a Web3 innovation in Pi's mission to redefine social access that integrates tokenomics into Pi Chats. Staked DMs allow Pioneers access to any individual in the network via direct message by staking Pi when initiating a message request, promoting authentic, meaningful connections while deterring spam.

Backend enhancements to improve performance, including specific optimizations focused on increasing speed.

User experience enhancements through features like notifications for Direct Messages and mentions in channels.

Future Pipeline coming soon!


Fireside Forum

Fireside Forum is a Web3 social networking app that leverages Pi cryptocurrency and innovative tokenomics to create a decentralized, authentic space for meaningful conversations.

See Milestones

Fireside Forum is a Web3 social networking app that fosters authenticity, constructive conversations, and healthier online social interactions by integrating tokenomics into the core of social interactions. Fireside aims to foster an environment where Pioneers harness the power of Pi cryptocurrency—through novel tokenomics designed to both reward positive interactions and curb negative actions—to build decentralized communities, express themselves, and engage in meaningful interactions. Fireside Forum is the first instantiation of Core Team’s vision on the Web3 online social space. It is important because Fireside Forum and other future Web3 social applications will (1) demonstrate and lead what true Web3 social apps should be and how blockchain technology can help create and support a self moderating decentralized network primarily based on cryptoeconomics, (2) create utility of Pi cryptocurrency in real-life use cases, exceeding the confinement of financial products offered by blockchain—all part of Pi’s mission and a goal of Pi’s Enclosed Mainnet period—and (3) create the next generation of online experience and improve people’s online social interactions using blockchain and cryptocurrencies to solve the flaws of Web2 social apps. Check out Fireside Forum on PiNet and learn more here.


Released May 30, 2023 with text-only post capability for millions of KYC-enabled Pioneers to interact with one another.

New content mediums became shareable, such as a fully functioning image upload capability in the #PiArt channel and the ability to add web links in the #News channel.

Various UX upgrades such as automatic translation, navigation improvements, search functionality, personalized experience via follow/unfollow feature, visible in-app user activity on the profile page, etc.

Enhancements towards user guidance, experience and support, e.g. Menu bar with FAQs, language selection, banner tutorials, general performance improvements, and video tutorials have been introduced.

Over 6.6 million in-app Fireside tokens spent as of October 2023.

In Progress

Decentralized Moderation system initial version has been released and will continue iterating. This system aims to help Pioneers moderate Fireside Forum content in a decentralized way, rewarding accurate moderation contributions and penalizing inaccurate or abusive ones, using a tokenomics-based meritocratic framework with various tiers of moderators.

Improving educational and support content for moderation and the community especially in support of the Decentralized Moderation feature.

Examining and iterating any tokenomics adjustments to make sure Fireside Forum achieves its design goals.

Enhancing the Negative Fire feature's usability.

Future Pipeline

Push Fireside Forum content to the dynamic-content feed of the Pi Mining App, in order to facilitate community engagement with Fireside’s content on the home screen of Pi.

Improvements to the feature that facilitates easier sharing of Fireside Forum content via PiNet, which will be later enabled on other Pi Apps through the ecosystem.

Community outreach and organization for content creators and influencers to boost and guide varied content creation on Fireside Forum, showcasing Web3’s potential for improved social interactions and experience as well as Pi utilities.

Support the building and testing of the platform-level utility feature.

User Experience (UX) enhancements, such as more relevant content feeds and advanced content discovery tools.

Expand content mediums with a more diverse set of interaction methods such as video and audio posts. This also includes extending existing content mediums like web link sharing and images to become available across all channels.

Mechanism to potentially convert Fireside tokens back to Pi cryptocurrency.



The Brainstorm app is a place for community developers and all Pioneers to propose Pi Apps ideas, join existing projects, and review project ideas.

See Milestones

Pi Brainstorm serves as a vibrant hub of ideas for Pioneers and developers to collaborate and innovate—uniting and inspiring one another to contribute to the growth of the Pi ecosystem. In short, Brainstorm helps the network collectively propose new Pi App ideas and allow Pioneers to form or join teams to make their ideas a reality. Its vision is to facilitate the creation of creative, utility-focused mobile web apps that address real user needs, empower the use of Pi cryptocurrency, and provide intuitive accessibility for people from all walks of life. Brainstorm is also the host app for Pi Network’s various past hackathons and the currently ongoing monthly hackathons that have resulted in many interesting and useful community Pi Apps live in the Pi ecosystem. The design of the app relies on the same principles of decentralized efforts to scale and benefit from the wisdom of the crowds, where the reviews and selection of ideas and projects to advance to the next stage are community-driven through various rounds of blind reviews by randomly selected Pioneers.


Released March 2021.

Created and iterated on features for project creation, team formation, project submissions, developer status vetting, project filtering system and hackathon support.

Revamp of community blind reviews and voting mechanism to better identify and advance good projects and filter out spams.

Supported the 2021 and 2023 Pi hackathons.

Extracted and further automated many hackathon processes into an on-going Hackathon feature that supports running the monthly hackathon program.

In Progress

Improve the user experience, especially related to the ongoing hackathon feature.

Backend performance improvements.



Pi Browser

The Pi Browser is the gateway to Pi’s Web3 app ecosystem where Pioneers engage with apps using their Pi account and transact with their Pi Wallet—it’s the sole platform for securely entering Pi Wallet passphrases.

See Milestones

In line with Pi Network's vision of nurturing a Web3 ecosystem, the Pi Browser serves as the network's primary dApp platform, propelling the utility and adoption of Pi cryptocurrency. Within the Pi Browser, Pioneers have the option to verify their identities using the KYC app, enhancing their experience within the ecosystem. They can access a multitude of third-party apps crafted by independent developers (see examples in the "Ecosystem Interface" section), not all of which require payment or KYC verification. Developers benefit from tools like the Developer Portal to manage their apps, the platform's SDK and APIs, and the Brainstorm app for collaborating with fellow Pioneers on ideas and projects. Pioneers can effortlessly navigate various apps using a single Pi account and interact with the Pi blockchain through their Pi Wallet, a Web3 innovation prioritizing simplicity. Furthermore, the Pi Browser supports testing and integration with Pi's tech stack, including the Pi Testnet, Pi Chat, and Pi Wallet. Learn more.


Launch: Debuted on April 8, 2021, providing Pioneers with straightforward access to Pi Apps via a URL address bar and facilitating the creation of Pi Apps by global community developers without mandatory Core Team reviews.

User-Centric Design: Simple initial design for easy navigation, facilitating a single sign-in for Pioneers that works across Pi Apps, and intuitive in-app payments through the official Pi Wallet app. Additionally, Pioneers can easily identify the current app being accessed.

Developer Support: Integrated the Pi SDK and the Pi Developer Platform and built the Developer Portal, championing community-driven app development within the browser.

Mining Mechanism Upgrade: On March 14, 2022, the mining mechanism was revamped to introduce app engagement rewards, further promoting the usage of Pi Apps on the Pi Browser.

Ecosystem Interface: On March 14, 2023, a dedicated platform to spotlight Testnet Pi Apps was created, benefitting both Pioneers by offering a curated selection of top-tier community apps and developers by expanding their Pioneer engagement potential.

In Progress

UI Revamp: A significant user interface upgrade, aiming for a more intuitive modern navigation and enriched user experience that addresses the needs of decentralized Web3 Pi Apps.

Integration with PiNet: Enabling app content sharing on and ensuring a smooth transition for new users from web-shared content into the Pi Browser.

User Onboarding: Facilitating new user registrations directly from the Pi Browser's first download.

Ecosystem Interface Expansion: Integrating Mainnet apps with the Ecosystem Interface, broadening the range of accessible services alongside the current Testnet apps.

Future Pipeline

Any native changes required by platform features.


Ecosystem Interface

The Ecosystem Interface in the Pi Browser showcases curated Testnet and Mainnet Pi Apps built by the community, giving a preview of the potential Mainnet Ecosystem and its diverse use cases.

See Milestones

In the Pi Browser, apps are accessed similarly to other browsers, via URLs. The Ecosystem Interface, accessible from the browser's home screen, provides Pioneers a curated selection of Pi Apps based on criteria established by the Pi Core Team. These criteria encompass app development milestones, user experience, and adherence to Pi Network policies, with potential future tiering based on app quality. For developers, this Interface presents a unique opportunity to showcase their apps to a vast audience, promoting real-user testing and enhancement. The inclusion of apps in this Interface underscores the Pi Network's commitment to fostering a decentralized Web3 environment, prioritizing user-driven interactions and the evolution of Pi cryptocurrency utilities.

Pioneers, explore the Ecosystem Interface within the Pi Browser, delve into diverse Pi use cases, provide invaluable feedback to developers, and utilize your mined Pi in tangible ways. Each Pioneer's contribution is vital in shaping the utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency.


Initial Launch: Ecosystem Interface introduced on March 14, 2023, spotlighting an initial selection of Testnet apps.

Continuous App Inclusion: Additional Testnet apps incorporated as they progress and meet basic criteria like functionality, with many sourced from the ongoing Pi hackathons.

Developer Engagement: Via the Developer Portal, creators can propose their apps for listing on the Ecosystem Interface, expanding their reach to Pi’s vast Pioneer community.

User Vigilance: Although the listed apps adhere to Core Team criteria, Pioneers are encouraged to exercise vigilance and prudence, as the Pi Core Team cannot guarantee complete safety and has not verified these community-created apps.

In Progress

Inclusion of Unverified Mainnet Apps: A new procedure to integrate Unverified Mainnet apps alongside the Testnet selections.

Future Pipeline coming soon!


PiNet bridges Pi's Web3 apps to the Web2 world, letting Pioneers interact with them on any browser via subdomains like

See Milestones

PiNet extends the reach of Pi Network, making Web3 Pi Apps available not just to its 47+ million members but also to the vast Web2 audience. Compatible with browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Brave, PiNet enhances Pi Network's appeal. Pioneers can share content from Pi Apps with friends who are not Pioneers yet, and these friends can instantly access it on with limited functionality, paving the way for easy onboarding to the full experience in the Pi Browser. This not only champions Web3 in the Web2 world but also provides a compelling reason for new Pioneers to join, broadening the Pi community's global footprint.

Pioneers, get ready to amplify your favorite Pi Apps and content! Share them with friends and across social media, becoming ambassadors of the Pi Web3 ecosystem.


Launch: Unveiled on May 30, 2023, PiNet revolutionized the accessibility of Pi Network to the Web2 audience.

First App Integration: Fireside Forum became the pioneering Pi App on PiNet, accessible universally on web browsers at, symbolizing Pi Network's commitment to broadened accessibility.

Open Access for Community Apps: Community-driven Pi Apps from the Ecosystem Interface can now seek PiNet integration via the Developer Portal, heralding a more inclusive and expanded platform.

In Progress

Further Core Team App Integration: Anticipate the addition of more Core Team Pi Apps to PiNet, further expanding its range.

Community Inclusion: Community-crafted Pi Apps highlighted in the Pi Browser's Ecosystem Interface will feature on PiNet, painting a richer picture of Pi's ecosystem.

Sharing Enhancements: An upgraded experience for sharing specific Web3 content from Pi Apps via PiNet is in the pipeline. Look forward to customizable, visually-striking thumbnails for shared links.

Pi Mining Guide: A forthcoming guide will demystify Pi mining for newcomers, showcasing its simplicity and serving as an attraction for more Web2 denizens to embrace Pi Network.

Future Pipeline

Enhancements to the PiNet user journey to facilitate its broader adoption in bringing the Pi ecosystem to non-Pineers around the world.

Thumbnail enhancements for shared PiNet links to include contextual information about the Pi platform.

Integration of and the main website of the network,, to facilitate PiNet adoption and provide additional context of Pi Network to new users experiencing PiNet.

The development of a more streamlined and user-friendly process for Web3 app creators to present their Mainnet applications for inclusion on PiNet.

Pi Apps domains will change to PiNet domains so that such domains allow Pi apps fully accessible in the open web without the dependency of users using Pi Browser–the purpose of PiNet (e.g., wallet.pi will be moved to

Additional apps available on PiNet as they progress and meet basic criteria.


Developer Platform and Tools

The Pi Developer Platform is a Web3 platform offering direct access to a large passionate user base, simplified development process, and supportive resources, thus enabling the creation of diverse utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency.

See Milestones

The Developer Platform is a pivotal component of the Pi ecosystem, enabling community developers to integrate their app with the Pi blockchain and create utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency. The platform SDK and APIs enable Pi Apps to communicate with the Pi blockchain and APIs for functions such as facilitating Pi payments, verifying Pioneer information, and requesting and verifying transactions and payments. Building a Pi App on the platform requires no specialized blockchain programming skills, thus lowering barriers to entry and expanding access to Web3 development. By doing so, the platform enables the creation of a wide variety of real-world utilities and use cases, harnessing the collective creativity and expertise of the Pi community. For those interested in diving deeper into the Developer Platform, see the Pi Developer webpage.


Released on June 10, 2021 along with the Developer Portal to allow for the creation of Pi Apps integrated initially with the Testnet Blockchain for testing purposes. Pi platform’s APIs were added, giving community developers access to the tools such as Pi payments and user account authentication, which are both needed to develop on Pi.

SDKs include features for user verification as well as app-to-user and user-to-app payments.

Released an initial and then a fully functional platform emulator (Sandbox) to allow development on desktop browsers so that developers can build and debug their Pi Apps directly on their computers.

Updated the platform in 2022 to support Pi Mainnet Applications giving developers access to transact Mainnet Pi for the first time, following the launch of the Enclosed Mainnet on December 28, 2021.

Released Demo Pi App with Pi SDK integration available for developers to use as a template to build on.

Pi App Engine V2 created as an internal Core Team platform for hosting Pi Apps on scalable cloud infrastructures. This has not been released to the general developer community at this point.

A novel Pi Open Source (PiOS) software licensing framework released to foster collaboration within the Pi developer community, leading to sharing of the codebase of various apps and libraries.

Two distinct developer wallets developed for Pi Apps: multi-signature wallets (akin to a "savings" accounts) for receiving Pi from Pioneers, and standard wallets (similar to "checking" accounts) for sending Pi to Pioneers."

Developers can apply to get their app-specific chat room channels on the Pi Chats app to engage with their Pioneer users in a public forum.

In Progress

Enabling community-built Pi apps already featured on the Ecosystem Interface of the Pi Browser to be listed on PiNet, showcasing a diverse and dynamic Pi Web3 ecosystem to the wider Web2 world.

Ecosystem Interface to include listings for unverified Mainnet apps along with the currently listed Testnet apps.

Ongoing updates to Community Developer Guide.

Future Pipeline

Ability to overlay the Pi Chatroom channel associated with a Pi App directly in the Pi App, removing an extra step for Pioneers in communicating with the developer team.

Improved and streamlined developer documentation as well as ongoing updates to Community Developer Guide.

Enable via platform’s SDKs and APIs additional functions and tools to facilitate utility creation.

A major utility feature on the platform level currently in stealth mode that will facilitate the sustainability of Pi apps and overall utility of Pi cryptocurrency.


Developer Portal

The Developer Portal is a one-stop app management tool for Pi App developers, enabling access to the tools and resources of the Pi Developer Platform

See Milestones

The Developer Portal enables developers to register and manage their own Pi Apps. Once registered, these web apps can access the Pi App Platform, enabling communication with the Pi servers and the Pi Blockchain. This connectivity allows for user authentication and the initiation of Pi Payments.


Released June 10, 2021 alongside the Developer Platform, the Portal allows developers to register and update information for their Pi Apps in one place.

Through this one interface, applications can acquire two types of developer wallets, get listed in the Ecosystem Interface of the Pi Browser, obtain a PiNet weblink, and set up an App-specific public chat room channel in the Pi Chats app, simplifying the developer experience.

Updated user interface, application checklist, and dashboard interface were deployed in Q1 of 2023 for improved management of Pi Apps.

In Progress

Any associated updates to the Developer Portal based on changes of the Pi Platform.

User interface updates to improve the visual design of the Developer Portal.

Future Pipeline

Revamp Community Developer Guide based on developer feedback to help speed new developers’ onboarding to the platform.

Continued updates to previously released features such as improvements to the application for developer wallets, feature to register for a PiNet subdomain, or the feature to request selection into the Pi Ecosystem App, and any additional features available for developers on the platform that require application and selection processes.

Enable developers to register and update Pi Apps for the Mainnet.

Streamlining the process of launching and maintaining applications to make it easier and more efficient for developers.

Blockchain Essentials



The Pi blockchain is an energy-efficient, decentralized ledger that records all Pi transactions, enabling secure and verifiable exchanges of Pi for app usage, goods, and services.

See Milestones

The Pi blockchain functions as the backbone of the entire ecosystem, providing the infrastructure for secure transactions as well as a platform for Web3 development. The Blockchain is currently on the Enclosed Network period of Mainnet, which means that the Mainnet blockchain is live but with a firewall that prevents external connectivity with other blockchains or exchanges. Adapted from Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) using Federated Byzantine Agreement, Pi Blockchain allows a large number of individuals via their devices to contribute on the protocol level. This participation is facilitated through desktop Nodes and daily Security Circle confirmations on the mobile app. In return, participants earn rewards via Pi's meritocratic mining mechanism. The unique contribution of the Pi blockchain lies in its tens of thousands of computer nodes powering its distributed system, coupled with the tens of millions of real humans on its Trust Graph bolstering its security. Instead of expending energy on redundant hashes as in proof of work, Pi's consensus algorithm relies on cost-effective voting among nodes, prioritizing voting opinions of those with high trust from the Trust Graph. Learn More


Testnet Pi blockchain went live on March 14, 2020, initiating the second phase of the network: Testnet phase.

Ongoing tests for stability, scalability, and transactions on Testnet.

Third party App Development Platform launched on June 10, 2021, enabling developers to interact with the Testnet blockchain through SDK API calls.

Enclosed Mainnet Pi blockchain was launched on December 28, 2021, initiating the Enclosed period of the Mainnet Phase. A firewall was deliberately put to guard the blockchain from external connections to enforce the “enclosed” nature of this period.

Ability for Pioneers to migrate their Pi to their Mainnet Wallet began on June 28, 2022, allowing the use of Pi within the Enclosed Mainnet period.

Ability for Pi Apps to interact with the Mainnet blockchain through SDK API calls on July 26, 2022, facilitating a seamless integration of real Pi transactions in the ecosystem.

In Progress

Implementing post-Mainnet migration Pi Lockups to continue supporting a healthy and smooth ecosystem and incentivize long-term engagement with the network while the network is bootstrapping and creating utilities.

Ensuring stability and 100% uptime.

Supporting and optimizing Mainnet migrations and ecosystem transactions in the Enclosed Network period.

Research and design on new blockchain features that can better support utilities.

Future Pipeline

Bring Testnet and Mainnet environments to parity.

Upgrade blockchain versions for Testnet and Mainnet.

Work to ensure scalability.

Work to ensure redundancy.

Create and implement emergency plans, and create and run simulations.

Analyze and evaluate various existing and future blockchain features following the Pi principles and the need of Pi Ecosystem for the initiation of the Open Network.

Implement the conclusion of the above analysis.

Implement any configuration changes to initiate Open Network.

Preparation work for removing the firewall of the Enclosed Network.



The Pi Node allows Pioneers to run the blockchain in a user-friendly way on their computers to contribute to the security of the network, and to access most of the Pi mobile app functionalities in a desktop application.

See Milestones

Nodes play an essential decentralized role in the Pi ecosystem by running the blockchain, contributing to the security and validation of transactions as well as the consensus-building process on the distributed ledger. They are designed to run on laptops and desktops. To encourage active and stable services, Pioneers who run nodes are rewarded with boosts to their mining rates based on how much and how stable and reliable the contribution they make to the consensus. Pi Nodes specifically also provide user-friendly accessibility to the Pi applications, broadening the range of devices that people can use in the network. They also create the potential for the network to have protocol-layer applications in the future.


First release of Node software available for download and install on computers to run Pi Applications on March 31, 2020.

Second release of Pi Node available for download that included necessary technical preparation steps for individual Nodes to install so that they get prepared to run the consensus algorithm.

New node version was released that actually runs the blockchain (Testnet) in September 2020.

500+ active Testnet Nodes by the end of 2020, and over 10,000 by Pi Day 2022. Currently over 100,000 Nodes that are activated through the Node application.

Rolled out new mining rewards for operating Pi Nodes on March 14, 2022 based on the new mining mechanism explained in the December 2021 Whitepaper update.

Ability for community Node operators to test their Node deployments such as port checking.

Auto-updating functionality for Pi Node desktop app (Node frontend).

Ability to upgrade the version of the Pi Blockchain’s consensus protocol (Node backend container).

Ability for individual Node operators to remove unused local historical blockchain state data to reclaim local disk space, while the network keeps the historical data with ample redundancy.

In Progress

Investigate and fix bugs reported by the community, including cases experiencing infinite spinner, disconnect of mining boost from performance, Docker compatibility issues and more.

Develop more advanced analytics infrastructure to better surface Node issues.

Improve and calibrate Node bonuses.

Future Pipeline

Investigate and fix bugs reported by the community.

Implement infrastructural changes to improve and speed up the Node application deployment process.

Develop and improve Mainnet Node software that is compatible with the Mainnet blockchain; roll out the first version of Mainnet node software.

Continual updates and enhancements to the Node software, including auto-updating features to ensure all Nodes are operating with the latest protocols and security measures.

Improve Node analytics to inform Open Network period and to enhance visibility into Node performance and diagnostics.

Adapt Node application to be compatible with the blockchain requirements and add features resulting from the work under Blockchain.

Enable Pioneers to operate Nodes for the Mainnet blockchain. Educational content will also be released to help prepare Pioneers to operate Mainnet Nodes.

Set and communicate criteria for Super Node Selection, which are key to the decentralization of the network.

User Interface Improvements: Upgrades to the Node desktop application to improve usability and accessibility, such as switching between Testnet and Mainnet, as well as to display analytics of historical Node reliability and other data, making it easier for Pioneers to participate in running Nodes.

Enable node operators to further customize their node’s configuration in the Node application.

Plan and work to support node activities after Open Network.

Update Node webpage on accordingly.



Pi KYC or “Know Your Customer” is a procedure to identify and verify Pioneer identities, to comply with regulations and to ensure Pioneers within the Pi Ecosystem are real individuals.

See Milestones

KYC verifies Pioneer identities to (1) comply with regulations and (2) ensure that the Mainnet peer-to-peer interactions are real and accountable. Pi Network’s strict policy of one account per person requires a high degree of accuracy to establish that members in the network are genuine human beings, preventing individuals from being able to hoard Pi by creating fake accounts unfairly. Passing KYC is a prerequisite to a Pioneer’s migration of the Pi balance from the Pi Mining app to the Mainnet blockchain. The innovation of Pi KYC solution is to achieve scalability and effectiveness through a native decentralized design while protecting privacy. Drawing on the power of the community itself along with using machine automation, Pi KYC solution is free of fiat-cost for all Pioneers while labor is exchanged in Pi and utility of Pi cryptocurrency is created for the ecosystem. Furthermore, a massive KYC’ed crypto-enabled social network, as a result, provided by Pi community will make it easy for the world to deploy and operate more Web3 services and empower the future AI-pervasive world by bringing in human authenticity in the era to come. Learn More.


Design, development and testing of Pi KYC solution from 2021 to early 2022 that include checks on the KYC requirements required by laws, such as AML, anti-terorrism and sanctions, and Pi Network policies.

Scalable Pi KYC solution was launched to the majority of the network in June 2022.

1 million Pioneer applications were submitted, validated and verified within the first month after the release of the scalable KYC solution.

March 2023: KYC application was open to all eligible Pioneers, with a tentative KYC program that gives accounts with more complex properties a chance to proceed with KYC and provide proof of their identities.

First version of the system to analyze the work quality of human Validators and evaluate them was deployed—a significant component of KYC Validator quality and scalability.

Tackling corner cases, such as documents with multiple images or with pictures of famous characters.

Continuing to streamline the KYC funnel by solving bugs or technical blockers. E.g., Pioneers' KYC applications were stuck for various reasons, including need for small name updates, failure to process liveness, failed selfie uploads, failed image extractions, missing information fields, UX deadends, etc.

In Progress

More advanced version of Validator grading system to distinguish a top tier of trusted Validators for conducting higher-stake tasks such as manual reviews to supplement machine automation, which can significantly improve KYC throughput.

Solution to unblock KYC applications with missing data fields with help by trusted Validators.

Validator review may be extended to help unblock other parts of KYC such as Tentative KYC cases, etc.

Review system being built for Pioneers to appeal and sort out rejection reasons.

UX enhancements to provide more in-app guidance, education and easier onboarding to avoid resulting in corner cases that can get stuck.

Improvements in the KYC analytics pipeline.

Building the additional checks required to process Tentative KYC cases.

Future Pipeline

Improve application tools such as liveness checks to ensure the collection of additional necessary information to reduce the chance of applications getting stuck.

KYC App Analytics Enhancements: Advance the analytics capabilities to better track and understand KYC process flows, aiming to identify and rectify bottlenecks more effectively.

Continue to identify new blockers in the KYC process and reduce the majority of major blockers so all eligible Pioneers can go through KYC without major issues or delays.

Iterate on the additional checks and their resolutions for tentative KYC cases so those Pioneers can completely pass KYC and migrate to the Mainnet while the applications that should not proceed are identified and sent to their appropriate paths, be it resubmission, rejection or appeal, etc.

Identify and enable applications to receive an opportunity to resubmit their applications that can help resolve the corner cases that currently prevent them from going through.

Appeal and Review Mechanism: Construct a system for Pioneers to contest KYC rejections, providing clarity on rejection reasons and a clear pathway to appeal their case.

Convenience features for people to apply and complete KYC more easily to remove additional friction associated with Pioneers’ KYC application and ecosystem participation.

Any newly identified measures to help and support the community to apply and complete their application, receive finality on their application, and move on to migrate to the mainnet, so that the community can reach its goals in getting prepared for the Open Network.

Calculation and disbursement of KYC validator Pi rewards from the pool of Pi paid by KYC applicants.


Token Model and Mining Mechanism

The Pi token model and mining mechanism is a principal framework to identify and reward contributions to the evolving needs of the network such as security, growth, inclusion, utilities creation, stability and longevity, etc.

See Milestones

A token model is a core foundation of a cryptocurrency network. As Pi Network proceeded through different stages of the network roadmap, namely, the Beta phase, Testnet phase, and Mainnet phase (the current Enclosed Network period of the Mainnet phase to be precise), various needs of the network have evolved in relative importance. Pi’s token model and mining mechanism has evolved accordingly to address such changing needs and incentivize increasingly diverse forms of contributions the network relies on. Specifically, the Pi mining mechanism rewards such contributions in a meritocratic and formulaic manner. The Pi rewards are generated in the Pi blockchain based on a token supply model.


Systemwide base mining rate started at 3.1415926 Pi/h and halved every time the network of Engaged Pioneers increased in size by a factor of 10x, starting at 1000 Pioneers. This halving-based system for the systemwide base mining rate change remained effective until March 1, 2022.

The original mining mechanism remained effective through the Beta and Testnet phases and in the early months of the Enclosed Mainnet period (until March 14, 2022) to support the network’s growth, distribution and security.

The design of the token supply model and the new mining mechanism based on a dynamic base mining rate for rewards issuance was released in the December 2021 Whitepaper

in order to balance the need for network growth and token distribution with the need for predictability in planning, right-sizing rewards for different types of necessary contributions and maintaining long-term network incentives.

A specific rewards issuance formula was released on March 1, 2022, which adjusts the systemwide base mining rate monthly based on the supply limit.

The new mining mechanism with boosts for more diverse types of contributions, namely, Pi lockups, app usage and Node operations, went into effect on March 14, 2022. The changes support the long-term engagement with the network, engagement with the Pi app ecosystem as a whole and decentralization, security and longevity of the Pi blockchain.

In Progress

Monthly Base mining rate adjustments and ongoing monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the mining mechanism in regard to achieving its network goals set in the 2021 December Whitepaper.

Future Pipeline

Before Open Network, overall analysis of the mining rewards issued so far.

Reevaluation of the rewards issuance formula, and the mining mechanism given the past data, to see if the data conforms to or deviates from the assumptions in the token model, and determine if there needs any adjustments or changes on either the formula and the mining mechanism to ensure the token model achieves its goals laid out in the 2021 December Whitepaper.

Possible newer mining bonuses (accounted for in the original mining mechanism in the variable X) to encourage newer forms of contributions based on evolving network needs.


Pi Wallet

The Pi Wallet is a noncustodial cryptocurrency wallet for holding and transferring cryptocurrencies, currently only Pi and Test-Pi, which enables secure and convenient peer-to-peer transactions and integration of a seamless payment experience in Pi Apps.

See Milestones

In line with Pi Network's goal to facilitate a streamlined, decentralized Web3 ecosystem, the Pi Wallet is integrated directly into the Pioneers’ user experience within the Pi Browser app. This allows for easier Pi Payments peer to peer and across Pi Apps and traditional businesses, enabling Pioneers to transact seamlessly on the Pi blockchain. Pi Wallet also supports testing on Pi Testnet and facilitates Pioneers to manage their Pi cryptocurrency migrations and lockups. The Wallet's noncustodial design underscores the network’s commitment to security and decentralized self-sovereignty—and it does require Pioneers to safeguard their unique passphrase since no one else has another copy. KYC verification is required for Mainnet Wallet access, aligning with Pi Network's focus on accountable use of the blockchain by real human beings. Learn More.


Testnet Wallets to hold and move Test Pi released on April 1, 2021, enabling testing of transactions on Pi Testnet, particularly for Pi App developers, and helping to kick off the network’s inaugural developer hackathon on Pi2Day, June 28, 2021.

Mainnet Pi Wallets and migration functionalities released on June 28, 2022, following the launch of Enclosed Mainnet on December 28, 2021 and the start of Pioneers’ Mainnet migration.

App-to-Pioneer payment functionality added to the pre-existing Pioneer-to-App payments, enabling two-way transactions between Pioneers and Pi Apps using Pi Wallets.

Two distinct developer wallets developed for Pi Apps: multi-signature wallets (akin to “savings” accounts) for receiving Pi from Pioneers, and standard wallets (similar to “checking” accounts) for sending Pi to Pioneers.

User interface has undergone significant improvements since the initial launch.

Additional Wallet features have been added to support easier payment processes and Pioneers connectivity such as off-chain memos for transactions, list of previously transacted Pioneers, and QR code functionality for simplified payments for local commerce integration.

Pi Wallets have enabled widely reported peer-to-peer Pi transactions of goods and services around the world, inspiring the creation of a systematic Pi Commerce program (work-in-progress).

In Progress

Enhancing the security features of the Wallet within Pi Apps.

Expanding Pi Wallet backend for easier integration into different Pi Apps.

Implementing post-Mainnet migration Pi Lockups to continue supporting a healthy and smooth ecosystem and incentivize long-term engagement with the network while the network is bootstrapping and creating utilities.

Future Pipeline

Improvements to Pi Wallet’s QR Code functionality for simplified payments for local commerce integration.

Integration of Pi Wallet into a phone’s native wallet to facilitate easier access in Pi Commerce.

Implement procedure to refill migration wallet on a timely basis to ensure smooth migration of Pioneers’ Pi balance from the Mining app to the Mainnet blockchain.



The Pi Network BlockExplorer enables Pioneers to explore the Pi Mainnet and Testnet blockchains, such as viewing transaction histories.

See Milestones

The BlockExplorer can be used to find and research past payments, and view status of transactions that occurred on the Pi Blockchain. This allows Pioneers to verify transaction information such as sender’s address, receiver’s address, amounts, fees, and much more. The BlockExplorer is an important tool that allows visibility into the blockchain by anyone with ordinary web tools and showcases the transparency and decentralization of the blockchain technology. See BlockExplorer.


Released October 13, 2021 with Testnet blockchain explorable through BlockExplorer. Mainnet blockchain was added to the BlockExplorer in 2022 after the launch of the Enclosed Mainnet.

Released a network statistics section that summarizes insightful network-level data shortly after initial release.




Pi Network events bring the Pi community together to share ideas, collaborate, enhance engagement, and strengthen their shared identity of being Pioneers.

See Milestones

The vision for Pi Network events is to create collaborative spaces that foster collective brainstorming and innovation, supporting the ongoing evolution of the Pi ecosystem, and also to provide shared experience for all community members to interact and engage in order to form the Pi culture and reinforce our identity as Pioneers. Whether it's through hackathons that foster community apps development, the “Pi CoInvention” that democratizes the future direction of the network by incorporating community feedback, or art festivals that celebrate the creative spirit of the Pi community and many more, these events aim to foster a sense of unity, collective growth and shared purpose. Pi Network events not only cultivate a vibrant community but also advance the network's broader goals of decentralization, inclusivity, and real-world utility.

Pioneers, come participate in our events, let us know of your ideas, and give us your feedback! Pi Network has always been driven by the decentralized efforts from Pioneers and the Core Team.

Select Past Events

Pi slogan and T-shirt design creative contest in 2019 when the network reached 100,000 Pioneers.

Celebration of Pi Network crossing 1 million Pioneers worldwide in 2019.

Pi Social Media #Pi2gether frame event to celebrate Pi2Day and the acceleration of ecosystem building in June 2020 where Pioneers added and shared a custom Pi frame to their videos and photos on social media.

#GenerationPi mug giveaway in August 2020 to encourage community brainstorming about utilities in the Pi ecosystem, where Pioneers entered the giveaway by sharing on social media the brands and apps Pioneers want to see on the Pi Apps Platform in the future.

Pi CoInvention in October 2020 that organized a few panels that invited Pioneers globally to discuss the future direction of the network via video submissions, received lots of insightful community input, and amplified sample Pioneer voices.

The first online Hackathon hosted in June 2021 to promote and support Pi Apps development within the Pi developer community worldwide.

Art festivals such as the March 2021 and June 2022 festival hosted on the #PiArt channel in Pi Chats, and the June 2023 festival hosted on Fireside Forum as part of the Pi2Day 2023 Utility Challenge.

Pi2Day 2023 Utility Challenge where Pioneers went through a step-by-step challenge trying out a variety of utilities on the Pi platform.

In Progress

Pi Powered Commerce event to support and promote Pi transactions in local businesses worldwide.

Ongoing monthly hackathons that are designed to support year-round Pi App development efforts.

Future Pipeline coming soon!



Pi Hackathons are a key community initiative to educate and mobilize developers to build Pi Apps and enhance utilities on the platform.

See Milestones

Pi Hackathons, online or offline, hosted or participated by Pi Network, provide a continuous influx of Pi Apps into the Pi ecosystem and help grow the developer community of Pi Network. Many hackathons have occurred since the first release of Pi Platform in June 2021, which included the release of Pi SDK, Developer Portal and developer resources. Pi Hackathons are now a regularly scheduled development event where community developers collaborate to build apps on Pi and compete to win a reward of 10,000 Pi. Often a way to start the development of a Pi App, these events attract and bring innovative developers together, facilitating their collaboration and building their familiarity with the resources and benefits of the Pi platform. Hackathon participants then often continue to build their Pi App, feeding into other ecosystem programs such as the Ecosystem Interface of the Pi Browser and the Incubator, as well as receiving ongoing mentorship and support from the Core Team. In this way, #PiHackathons play an essential role in initiating Pi App development and utilities growth, and engaging a wide swath of developers to contribute to Pi's vision for a flourishing Web3 ecosystem.

Developers, submit your app for Core Team review and feedback, and for a chance to be listed in the Ecosystem Interface of the Pi Browser to receive much attention from our community! If you win a hackathon, you will also be featured in the winner-announcement blogpost and/or the Pi Mining app home screen.


2021 #buildPi2gether Hackathon was the first Pi Hackathon, with thousands of participants, hundreds of thousands of community reviewers and five winners, marking a significant milestone in bootstrapping community-driven development of Pi utilities.

Sponsored hackathons at three U.S. universities—UC Berkeley, Harvard University, and Cornell University—in October 2022 with participation from six teams .

Sponsored hackathon at the DeveloperWeek conference in the San Francisco Bay Area in February 2023, with participation from 11 teams.

2023 Q1 Hackathon with over 6,700 participants, hundreds of app submissions, and 9 winners, including an overall winner, three runners-up, four theme category winners, and one winner of a VC judging round.

Ongoing monthly #PiHackathon since June 2023, with over 1,500 participants and over 500 app submissions as of September 2023. 10,000 Pi is rewarded for each #PiHackathon winner.

Regular Core Team review and feedback to top teams as well as a pathway into the Ecosystem Interface of the Pi Browser for eligible apps.

In Progress

Update and improve developer resources for hackathon participants.

Continue ongoing monthly hackathon by evaluating and giving feedback to candidate teams and selecting winners to be announced each month.

Future Pipeline

New forms of community hackathons that bolster the community developers’ strength while supplementing them with their missing components in pursuit of creating more usable and qualified Pi apps for the ecosystem. For example, a design-focused hackathon where community app designers collaborate to build mockups for new Pi Apps under the PiOS license, with the potential to ignite the development of highly engaging apps by other developers.

Explore thematic one-off hackathons to encourage building of applications to facilitate highly desirable network goals such as Pi Commerce expansion.

Participate in some local hackathons in top schools or areas with highly concentrated tech talents.


Developer Ambassador Program

Through the Developer Ambassador Program, Pioneers inspire builders in their network to build Pi Apps and receive Pi rewards when the app reaches a predetermined milestone.

See Milestones

The Developer Ambassador program is aimed at activating and relying on community efforts to accelerate the development of Pi Apps and utilities that embody Pi’s vision of a flourishing Web3 ecosystem. Open to all and deeply rooted in community collaboration, the program taps into Pi Network's expansive 47+ million community to engage with and bring in new developers. This program equips Pioneers with necessary content and resources to introduce Pi platform to developers, enroll a new developer to join Pi Network, and in turn, receive 1000 Pi when the developer builds a Mainnet Pi App that is listed in the Ecosystem Interface of the Pi Browser. The developer can build a new Pi App or repurpose an existing consumer-facing app into a Pi App. The program, therefore, propels Pi Network closer to its Open Network goals, all while championing Pioneers to find developers to create Pi Apps that cater to a global Pioneer audience. Learn More .

Pioneers, you can turn your contacts in software development, software engineering, product design, and entrepreneurship into Pi rewards! Represent Pi’s Web3 ecosystem by participating in the Developer Ambassador Program.


Program concept initially announced on PiDay, March 14, 2023 and kicked off on Pi2Day, June 28, 2023, with an initial timeline through September 30, 2023, which was later extended to December 31, 2023.

Program information and resources consolidated in one web page; addition of further supporting content such as this to help Pioneers attract developers onto the Pi platform.

Developer Ambassador dashboard (found in the “Roles” section in the menu on the Pi Mining app) shows Developer Ambassadors the individual developers they have onboarded during the program period, helping to monitor their progress and follow up with them for support and encouragement.

In Progress

Gather feedback from Developer Ambassadors to improve the program and resources available.

Data analysis of current progress of the program such as progress by Developer Ambassadors and their associated developers.

Enhance resources and content available to Developer Ambassadors to help them onboard and support developers.

Future Pipeline coming soon!


Pi App Incubator

The Incubator program mentors and supports Community Pi App teams in enhancing their Pi Apps, and thereby, utility creation in the network.

See Milestones

The Pi App Incubator program supports Community developers in their app development and deployment process to ultimately provide useful services to the Pi community and create utility to the Pi ecosystem. The program provides cost-based grants for documented app development needs and mentors them to improve their app’s user experience, meet the requirements to get their Mainnet app listed in the Ecosystem interface of the Pi Browser, reach more Pioneers, develop a sustainable business model, etc. This is a rigorous and competitive program for App teams that are selected based on current development milestones as well as their demonstrated ability and willingness to significantly improve their app over the course of a 12-week program.

App developers in the Pi community, you can create an innovative and focused use case, and improve your app’s user experience for a chance to join your fellow builders in the second cohort of the Incubator program!


Pilot app development cost-based grant program with a Community App team, which was selected based on their past Hackathon success and continued progress and commitment.

Pilot milestone-based grant program for select winners and participants in the College (2022) and DeveloperWeek (2023) hackathons.

Regular one-on-one mentoring sessions with various Community App teams regarding Product, Product design, Game app design, business model, and technical implementations.

Drafted a Product and Design guide consolidating feedback given to various Community App teams.

Mentorship program for a select university’s team on building a Pi App.

In Progress

Publication of a Product and Design Guide for all Pi community developers.

Selection and kickoff of the first cohort of the Incubator program.

Potential expansion of Pi App mentorship opportunity to other universities.

Future Pipeline

Program performance assessment following the completion of the first cohort to determine the efficacy of future cohorts for the growth of utilities on the platform, particularly relative to the efficacy of alternative developer programs such as hackathons of various kinds and selective, one-off grants and mentorship opportunities. If the program is deemed viable, successive Incubator cohorts can be launched, with variations based on programmatic learnings and evolving utility needs of the network.


Pi-Powered Commerce Program

The Pi-Powered Commerce program enables Pioneers and local businesses to use Pi in everyday offline and online transactions, boosting its real-world utility.

See Milestones

The Pi-Powered Commerce program is a strategic initiative to enable Pioneers and local businesses to integrate the Pi cryptocurrency in local economies around the world. This use of Pi aligns with the network’s community- and utility-centric vision, and leverages an already decentralized ownership of Pi by over 47 million Pioneers across 230 countries and regions. Even before the program’s launch, it was widely reported that Pioneers had been using Pi for transactions related to goods and services, peer to peer as well as directly with local businesses. Through community surveys and events, the program aims to gather community insights on potential uses of Pi and the best manner in which to enable, support, and promote increased use of Pi globally by providing assistance to Pioneers and local businesses.


Pilot In-app transfers (IAT) of mined Pi mobile balance enabled for limited and selected community members (around 200) who were actively contributing to the community and ecosystem goals to help the community learn and explore the types of utilities that Pi could facilitate in December 2019, and discontinued in December 2021.

Program concept to support and encourage local businesses to use Pi initially announced on PiDay, March 14, 2023, followed by Pioneers providing their own input and suggestions regarding the program plan via the Support Portal.

In September 2023, the Pi Core Team invited Pioneers to share their input to specific prompts on anticipated aspects and features related to Pi Commerce. These included: recommended ideas, feature requests, challenges, and previous experiences using Pi in local communities. Within 24 hours of posting this survey on the home screen of the Pi Mining app, the survey received responses from over 80,000 Pioneers eager to help in the development of the program.

Wallet features released to help enhance and encourage the use of Pi in daily transactions, such as the QR Code feature that enables the convenience of peer-to-peer and Pioneer-to-business transactions using Pi both online and offline, transaction memos to add personalized messages to payments, and a wallet contacts list for easy access to people you want to transact with.

In Progress

Community event to celebrate the Pi Commerce program and encourage participation. The goals of the event are to promote the program so as to further unleash the potential use of Pi in transactions, and to turn Pi’s decentralized ownership into decentralized usage everywhere!

Future Pipeline

Need finding and research on the challenges and potential solutions in Pi integration into local commerce.

Explore solutions in solving such challenges through technology and community organization, by either guiding and making programs for community developers to build Pi apps to address or providing suggestions and insights for the platform side to implement changes or features. For example, support and guide the community to build a Pi app that allows Pioneers to search for Pi-powered businesses locally and businesses to offer Pi-based payments, discounts, loyalty, and related programs.

Potential more Pi commerce- related events.

Improvements to Pi Wallet’s QR Code functionality for simplified payments for local commerce integration.

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