
作者: imtoken国际版钱包
2024-03-10 23:29:22

1块钱变成35万!SHIB 2021回顾 - 知乎

1块钱变成35万!SHIB 2021回顾 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册1块钱变成35万!SHIB 2021回顾mitsuki0127什么是SHIB?Shiba Inu(SHIB)是在去中心化社区建设中进行的一项实验,它是类似于Dogecoin的另一种meme代币。SHIB是Shiba Inu的原生代币,它将是第一个被去中心化交易所ShibaSwap上线并用于激励措施的代币。SHIB 的初始总供应量为 1000 万亿,即 1000000000000000个代币。SHIB为ERC-20代币,价格保持在一分钱以下。SHIB只是个治理代币,LEASH(狗绳)是稳定币,BONE(狗骨头)是ShibaSwap交易所去中心化金融的代币,ART则是NFT(非同质化代币)的代币。BONE 是一种治理代币,总供应量为 2.5 亿。BONE 持有者可以通过 Doggy DAO 对 Shiba 协议的变更提出建议和投票,Doggy DAO 代表去中心化自治组织,是指由基于计算机的规则而非单一控制成员管理的组织。此外,BONE 用于奖励 ShibaSwap 平台上的流动性提供者。LEASH最初是一种与狗狗币挂钩的变基代币,其供应量由协议自动调整,以使其价格与狗狗币保持 1:1000 的比例。现在情况不再是这样,因为重新计算算法被删除,意味着 LEASH 现在充当 Shiba 生态系统中价值硬币的存储,供应量有限,只有 107,647 个硬币。SHIB、LEASH和BONE介绍SHIB 回顾2021 年 5 月,名为“Ryoshi”的SHIB的匿名创建者将总供应量的50%发送给了以太坊区块链的联合创始人之一 Vitalik Buterin,他立即销毁了他 90% 的代币,这意味着他永久删除他们从流通。Vitalik Buterin将剩余的 10% 捐赠给了慈善机构。2021年5月7日,马斯克在Twitter发文:正在寻找一只柴犬!随后柴犬币SHIB价格就开始上涨,抹茶交易所中价格从最低0.0000014美元涨到0.0000079美元,涨幅超4倍。2021年11月,SHIB的持有者地址超过100万。根据Etherscan 的数据,有 1002021 名 SHIB 持有者。持有者地址数量SHIB 价格SHIB在 2021 年 10 月 278日达到最高点,流通市值为 521.3 亿美元,截止撰稿文章时流通市值为187.99亿美元。排位加密货币市值排名第12位。流通代币数量大概为549.06万亿。SHIB首次发行于2021年2月1日,价格大概为¥ 0.000000063475,在2021年10月28日达到历史最高点¥ 0.00055972255,截止撰稿文章,目前价格为¥0.000216767(大概为0.00003415美元),即便为目前价格,一开始就投资的话,投资回报大概为35万倍,也就是1块钱就变成35万元。SHIB 预测Earthweb中的一篇文章预测,SHIB到 2022 年底价值可能为 0.00026 美元。到 2025 年底,柴犬的价格可能会达到 0.00039 美元。到 2030 年左右,柴犬的价格可能为 0.0009 美元。结语最后文章的预测价格过于乐观,由于SHIB代币数量巨大,需要进行销毁机制才有可能使得价格进行提升,如果按照2030年的0.0009 美元,其市值基本估计超越了比特币市值,这个笔者认为不太可能达到,并且今年SHIB已经投资回报超过35万倍,泡沫有点巨大。至于如何处理这个泡沫,是慢慢消耗还是捅破,让我们慢慢等待吧。不作为投资建议或推荐,投资有风险,投资应该考虑个人承受能力。发布于 2022-01-01 17:00狗狗币比特币 (Bitcoin)shib[超话]​赞同 4​​3 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

Shiba Inu(SHIB) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap

a Inu(SHIB) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap加密货币: 2.2M+交易所: 723市值: $2.61T0.48%24小时交易量: $104.03B23.65%占有率: 比特币: 52.1% 以太币: 17.9% ETH Gas费: 63 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100加密货币加密货币排名分类全球走势图历史记录Bitcoin ETFsLeaderboards热门最近添加领涨和领跌访问最多NFTNFT 总体统计数据热门收藏品即将进行的销售活动On Chain DataDEX 交易对Chain Ranking热门 DEX 交易对交易所现货衍生品DEX社区动态TopicsLives文章产品PRODUCTS转换器CMC LabsTelegram Bot广告Crypto API网站小组件CAMPAIGNSAirdrops钻石奖励学习和赚取CALENDARSICO日历活动日历学习新闻AcademyResearch视频词汇表减半倒计时:37天自选列表投资组合搜索/Shiba Inu 价格 SHIB¥0.0002376  4.70% (1天)Shiba Inu兑换为CNY的图表Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 加入自选列表 Shiba Inu统计数据市值 4.70%¥139,990,298,157#10交易量(24小时) 36.86%¥15,695,402,007#9交易量/市值(24小时) 11.21%流通供应量 589,289,410,812,691 SHIB总供应量 589,534,086,491,242 SHIB最大供应量 --完全稀释的市值 ¥140,048,422,774合约Ethereum: 0x95ad...64c4ce 官方链接网站白皮书社交媒体TwitterRedditDiscordTelegram评分  ·  基于2家机构的评分4.5   Audits  CertiK网络信息区块链浏览器支持的钱包UCID5994  SHIB兑换为CNY的转换器SHIBCNY价格表现24小时 最低价¥0.0002346最高价¥0.0002585历史高点Oct 28, 2021 (2 years ago)¥0.0006356-62.62%历史低点Sep 01, 2020 (4 years ago)¥0.0...05867+40491504.66%查看历史数据热门程度加入自选列表的次数1,997,046x65th / 9.0K标签MemesEthereum EcosystemDoggone Doggerel更多信息您是该项目的所有者吗? 更新代币信息 Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 Shiba Inu community          Shiba Inu markets全部CEXDEX现货永续合约期货所有交易对Loading data...Show full width免责声明:本页面可能包含联署营销链接。如果您访问任何此类联署营销链接,并且在这些联署营销平台上进行如注册或交易等操作,CoinMarketCap 将可获得报酬。请参阅《联署营销信息披露》。Shiba Inu新闻                    关于Shiba Inu什么是SHIBA INU (SHIB)?Shiba Inu代币由昵称为“Ryoshi”的开发者于2020年8月匿名创建。投资者社区为这款加密货币的可爱魅力所吸引,而Elon Musk(伊隆·马斯克)和 (维塔利克·布特林)Vitalik Buterin等名人给予的关注,使它在极短时间内登上了新闻头条和推特的热搜排行榜。这使得有关Shiba Inu的信息得以迅速传播,并在潜移默化中提升了Shiba Inu的价值。Shiba Inu 的目标是基于以太坊,取代基于 Scrypt 挖矿算法的Dogecoin。Shiba Inu 和 SHIB 代币属于一大堆以狗为主题的加密货币,这类加密货币包括 Baby Dogecoin (BabyDoge)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、JINDO INU (JIND)、Alaska Inu (LAS) 以及 Alaskan Malamute Token (LASM)。这些价值较低的代币吸引了错过Dogecoin暴涨行情的投资者(Dogecoin的价格已从 0.0002 美元上涨至近 0.75 美元)。从前,有一只很特别的狗。那是一只柴犬,激励了全世界数以百万计的个人将钱投资于带有其形象的代币上。SHIBA INU 的官网将SHIB 称为“DOGECOIN 的终结者”,此外,SHIB将在他们自己的去中心化交易所 ShibaSwap 上市。SHIBA INU 背后的创始人是谁?SHIBA INU 的白皮书中列出了开发团队创建 SHIB 的三个原因:“我们从零开始,一无所有”。“SHIB 背后的聪明才俊们之前从未一起合作过”。“我们喜欢柴犬”。是什么造就了SHIBA INU的独特性?研发团队将SHIBA INU 社区带入 NFT 市场后,通过 SHIBA INU 官网邀请来自世界各地从狗狗身上获取灵感的艺术家,共同推动“艺术型柴犬运动”的持续性发展。此外,SHIBA INU 还使用 Amazon Smile 发起了一项活动,旨在与柴犬救援协会 (Shiba Inu Rescue Association) 一起募集捐款,用于救援现实生活中的柴犬。目前流通中的SHIBA INU (SHIB) 币总量有多少?SHIBA INU 的官网指出,他们在 Uniswap 上锁定了代币总供应量的 50%,并“扔掉了钥匙”!而剩下的 50% 则都在“烧毁后,给了Vitalik Buterin”。除此之外,SHIBA INU官网还提及其他几款代币,例如当前已投放且供应量不再调整的LEASH,以及人称“Dogecoin终结者”的BONE(截至2021年5月,此币尚处于无法交易的状态)。SHIBA INU 官网的白皮书上指出,SHIB可以用来挖掘 BONE,或在 ShibaSwap上进行买卖,此外,用户甚至可以选择用代币兑换股权(BURY)证明。“培训师” 也可以教他们的用户交换代币——所有这些操作都会产生“收益”; 当把收益放入“小狗池”中后,#SHIBARMY 可以选择兑换股权(BURY)证明或挖掘BONE。如何确保SHIBA INU网络的安全性?根据长达22页的SHIB白皮书的说法,SHIB基于以太坊开发,这是一种目前正向权益证明过渡的工作量证明区块链。相关信息:了解Dogecoin的更多信息。了解Dogelon Mars的更多信息。了解当下大热的狗狗主题的迷因加密货币的更多信息。SHIBA INU (SHIB) 的购买途径SHIB可在Huobi、Binance、、Uniswap和OKEx等交易所进行购买。如需了解使用法币购买加密货币的更多信息,请点击这里查看CoinMarketCap 提供的指南。          Shiba Inu分析加载中…Popular Tokens on the Ethereum ChainEthereumETH¥28,259.890.33%ChainlinkLINK¥143.740.28%UniswapUNI¥103.213.64%UNUS SED LEOLEO¥40.584.56%ImmutableIMX¥25.063.65%The GraphGRT¥3.4832.88%PepePEPE¥0.000063675.87%MakerMKR¥17,548.0012.40%QuantQNT¥874.351.46%AxelarAXL¥16.124.06%RenderRNDR¥89.6416.74%Lido DAOLDO¥24.321.54%The SandboxSAND¥5.568.09%dYdX (ethDYDX)ETHDYDX¥30.082.60%AaveAAVE¥939.800.04%Popsicle FinanceICE¥0.031740.39%Virtual ProtocolVIRTUAL¥0.70756.55%PAWZONEPAW¥0.0000354714.86%UnleashClubUNLEASH¥0.0014163.02%OX CoinOX¥0.10572.29%最常浏览的加密货币CatgirlCATGIRL¥0.00000000804356.44%TABOO TOKENTABOO¥0.0210615.13%EggdogEGG¥0.0582118.59%RichQUACK.comQUACK¥0.0000000097849.14%OpSecOPSEC¥14.069.65%MAGATRUMP¥57.4513.12%Osaka ProtocolOSAK¥0.00000263114.87%Baby ElonBABYELON¥0.00000000012111.89%L7LSD¥53.275.67%Niza GlobalNIZA¥0.0754213.72%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0¥0.00000051474.12%MinuMINU¥0.0000052591.50%Script NetworkSCPT¥0.289811.06%beobleBBL¥1.6811.93%BitcoinBTC¥498,053.150.88%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0¥0.00000045628.95%ArtyfactARTY¥12.711.17%Shiba InuSHIB¥0.00023725.35%ATOR ProtocolATOR¥18.9717.99%EthereumETH¥27,988.201.13%全球 价格SHIB/USDUnited States Dollar$0.00003306SHIB/CNYChinese Yuan¥0.0002376大家还在看GoldMint$0.063410.82%Band Protocol$2.571.14%Uniswap$13.753.71%Firo$2.072.98%Chainlink$19.672.94%Oasis Network$0.1770.71%Blocknet$$9,979.883.29%Solar$0.48763.69%MahaDAO$1.638.31%热门Pepe$0.0000083467.25%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.406622.23%FLOKI$0.000224510.81%Digiverse$1.1438.19%Shiba Inu$0.000033094.59%Shiba Inu实时行情Shiba Inu 今日价格 为 ¥0.000238 CNY,其 24 小时的交易量为 ¥15,695,402,007 CNY。 我们会实时更新SHIB兑换为CNY的价格。 Shiba Inu 在过去 24 小时内下跌了 4.70。 目前的 CoinMarketCap 排名为第 #10 位,其市值为 ¥139,990,298,157 CNY。 其流通供给量为 589,289,410,812,691 SHIB 个货币 目前无法提供供给量上限信息。目前 Shiba Inu 交易量最大的平台为 Binance, BlueBit, OKX, LBank, 和 。 您可以在我们的 查找其他上市资产。加密货币代币Shiba Inu产品CMC LabsChatGPT PluginCrypto API加密货币指数网站涂鸦站点地图广告公司关于我们服务协议隐私政策Cookie preferencesCookie 政策社区规则免责声明方法论加入我们招聘中!支持申请表联系我们常见问题解答词汇表社交媒体X (Twitter)社区TelegramInstagramFacebookRedditTelegram© 2024 CoinMarketCap. All rights reserved

Shiba Inu(SHIB)实时行情,Shiba Inu(SHIB)的流通市值,24h成交额,图表以及简介 | CoinCarp

a Inu(SHIB)实时行情,Shiba Inu(SHIB)的流通市值,24h成交额,图表以及简介 | CoinCarp虚拟币: 28,182 交易所: 643 流通市值: $28,120亿 24h成交额: $1,047亿 占比: BTC 48.4% ETH 16.8% ETH Gas: 66Gwei App下载 简体中文 热门语种EnglishEN 简体中文ZH TürkçeTR РусскийRU Tiếng ViệtVI全部语种EnglishEN TürkçeTR РусскийRU EspañolES Português BrasilPT-BR DeutschDE FrançaisFR 한국어KO Tiếng ViệtVI 日本語JA 简体中文ZH 繁體中文ZH-TW USD 选择法币/加密货币 法币虚拟币没有结果 ""找不到符合您搜索条件的任何内容。 请使用其他关键词再试一次。 行情 市值排行钱包新币上架交易所资金流向全局走势排行榜涨跌幅排行榜 交易所 所有现货衍生品DEX交易所 资讯 文章快讯比特币山寨币公告教程在哪里购买 IDO/ICO 即将启动正在进行已经结束Launchpad排行榜 融资库 投融资事件融资项目库投资者及组合投融资分析 产品 日历CoinCarp AppEVM公链价格计算器网站小组件 Stake-200%BonAd 登 录 注 册 × 行情 市值排行钱包新币上架交易所资金流向全局走势排行榜涨跌幅排行榜 交易所 所有现货衍生品DEX交易所 资讯 New 文章快讯比特币山寨币公告教程在哪里购买 IDO/ICO New 即将启动正在进行已经结束Launchpad排行榜 融资库 投融资事件融资项目库投资者及组合投融资分析 产品 日历CoinCarp AppEVM公链价格计算器网站小组件创建账号 登录简体中文English Türkçe Русский Español Português Brasil Deutsch Français 한국어 Tiếng Việt 日本語 简体中文 繁體中文USD 取消选择 × 法币虚拟币没有结果 ""找不到符合您搜索条件的任何内容。 请使用其他关键词再试一次。加密货币Shiba InuShiba InuSHIB Rank #11 Token 评级: 4.6 Certik 2023/11/274.6 Cyberscope 2024/01/084.6 我们的综合评级只是对各个来源的评级进行了算术平均。它不反映 CoinCarp 的观点,也不意味着我们对项目的优劣或适用性有任何保证。请在考察每个代币时,根据自己的判断做出决定。shibatoken.com区块浏览器 blockchair.com白皮书标签:Memes概念狗狗币概念合约: Ethereum:0x95ad...b64c4ce 审计:CertikShiba Inu 链接 × 网站shibatoken.com区块链浏览器 blockchair.com白皮书白皮书地址Shiba Inu 价格 (SHIB) $0.00003307 4.45%0.000000000477 BTC5.91%最低价:$0.00003242最高价:$0.0000359524小时24小时 最低 / 最高7天 最低 / 最高30天 最低 / 最高StakePlay做多/做空赚币市值 $19,497,458,289281,284 BTC完全释放后市值 $33,070,000,000477,091 BTC成交额 24小时 $1,288,239,33018,585 BTC流通量 589,581,442,071,233 SHIB58.96%最大发行量 1,000,000,000,000,000 SHIB总发行量 1,000,000,000,000,000 SHIB展开链接:网站, 区块链浏览器, 白皮书 标签:Memes概念 狗狗币概念合约: Ethereum:0x95ad...b64c4ce Shiba Inu SHIB$0.00003307 4.45%简况 行情 持币排行 历史数据 资讯 交易所钱包 社交 钱包分享分享到 Twitter 分享到 Facebook 分享到 Telegram 分享到 RedditShiba Inu (SHIB) 价格走势图价格 流通市值 Candle Chart 1天 7天 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 今年 所有Loading DataLoading Data× USD BTC Shiba Inu (SHIB) 投资回报率-0.24% 1小时-4.45% 24小时46.69% 7天250.37% 1个月332.89% 6个月201.28% 1年详情特征是否可挖矿 否算法 共识机制 发行价格 $0.0000000001展开Shiba Inu (SHIB)行情Shiba Inu (SHIB) 最新的价格是 $0.00003307,24 小时的交易量是$1,288,239,330. SHIB的价格在过去 24 小时内下跌了-4.45%。Shiba Inu的流通量为:5,895,814.42亿 SHIB,最大供应量:10,000,000亿,总供应量:10,000,000亿,流通率为:58.96%,流通市值为:$19,497,458,289。 若需要查看Shiba Inu (SHIB)区块链链上数据,有如下几款Shiba Inu (SHIB)区块浏览器可供选择:etherscan.io什么是Shiba Inu(SHIB)?Shiba Inu 币于 2020 年 8 月以笔名“Ryoshi”匿名创建。其发行总量为 1000 万亿 SHIB,其中 50% 转到了 Vitalik Buterin 的钱包地址,相当于销毁,另外 50% 与 10 ETH 配对放入了 Uniswap 该交易对的资金池。团队不持有任何代币,完全公平启动,所有人获得 SHIB 的途径都是在 DEX 或 CEX 进行购买。该代币发行数量庞大,且价格极低,受到了广泛的欢迎。Elon Musk 曾在推特公开为其站台,使其成为目前行业内广为流传的 MEME。目前 SHIB 已上线火币、OKEx 等 CEX。Shiba Inu 旨在成为第二个狗狗币( Dogecoin ),均为基于 Srypt 的挖掘算法。 Shiba Inu 和 SHIB 代币是一大群以狗为主题的加密货币的一部分,包括 Baby Dogecoin (BabyDoge)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、JINDO INU (JIND)、Alaska Inu (LAS) 和 Alaskan Malamute Token (LASM)。这些价值较低的代币吸引了错过狗狗币暴涨的投资者。Shiba Inu 币的应用目前有哪些?SHIBA INU 网站邀请来自世界各地的以狗为灵感的艺术家们将他们的 SHIBA INU 社区带入 NFT 市场,以促进“艺术柴犬运动”。 SHIBA INU 还使用 Amazon Smile 发起了一项活动,以便与 Shiba Inu Rescue Association 一起募集捐款,用于救援真实、活的 Shiba Inu 犬。关于Shiba Inu 代币的销毁具体销毁数据可以查看SHIB 销毁跟踪器网站:目前有 3 个特殊的空地址用于烧毁 $SHIB 代币,这些地址不是 Shiba Inu 开发团队创建的,它们是以太坊的一部分,也用于其他代币。  销毁地址1: 0xdead000000000000000042069420694206942069 这个空地址主要被使用,因为它与 Etheruem Vitalik Buterin 的联合创始人曾经销毁 67 亿美元的 $Shib 代币的地址相同。销毁地址2: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead 该空地址与团队用于 ShibaSwap 列表的地址相同。销毁地址3: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 这个被称为黑洞的空地址与重命名 Shiboshi 的 NFT 的地址相同。 1,000,000,000,000,000 初始供应量 - 当前总供应量 = BA-3 中销毁的总量关于Shiba Inu(SHIB)非ETH合约地址请注意,关于Shiba Inu(SHIB)非ETH合约地址是虫洞地址(完整的虫洞地址请查看:,旨在促进该资产打包版本的跨链交易。Shiba Inu (SHIB) 社交联系方式Twitter: Inu (SHIB)合约地址Ethereum: 0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce阅读全文Shiba Inu常见问题1 Shiba Inu等于多少人民币? 今日Shiba Inu兑换人民币的汇率为: 1Shiba Inu=0.000238人民币,我们实时更新Shiba Inu (SHIB)的人民币价格,同时也支持查看全球不同加密货币交易所的Shiba Inu (SHIB)实时价格。Shiba Inu最高的时候是多少钱一枚? Shiba Inu (SHIB)历史最高价为:0.00008834美元,发生在2021-10-28,CoinCarp记录了Shiba Inu每一天的OHLC行情数据,点击查看更多Shiba Inu (SHIB)的历史价格数据买Shiba Inu哪个平台好? 你可以从加密货币交易所(CEX或DEX)或一些加密货币钱包购买Shiba Inu (SHIB)币。通常我们选择在加密货币交易所购买,大多数交易所要求你在购买Shiba Inu (SHIB)币之前建立一个账户并验证你的身份。目前支持Shiba Inu交易的加密货币交易所主要有: BinanceCoinbaseKrakenBybitKuCoin以上列出的交易所可能存在错误。请在交易前检查币种名称、简称、Logo或合约地址,以避免损失。如果有任何错误,请反馈给我们,我们的邮箱是。请注意,买卖Shiba Inu涉及高风险。你一定要自己做研究 (也称为DYOR),并确保你在开始交易之前充分了解Shiba Inu的真实情况,避免上当受骗。Shiba Inu (SHIB)值得长期持有吗? 这取决于你的个人风险承受能力和投资目标。 Shiba Inu是一种加密货币,具有高度的波动性,因此可能不适合所有投资者。在投资之前,请自行学习了解加密货币、加密钱包、加密货币交易所和智能合约等基础知识,并充分了解投资加密货币的风险和潜在回报是至关重要的。 如果你决定参与Shiba Inu投资或是长期投资,你还需要深入了解Shiba Inu项目的白皮书,团队背景,tokenomics,以及当前整体的市场环境。参与Shiba Inu投资的主要方式是包括现货,合约或ETF杠杆交易或是质押等几种形式。但长期持Shiba Inu (SHIB)总体来说风险很大,不建议非专业人士参与。哪些平台可以做空Shiba Inu (SHIB)? 做空是风险对冲手段,风险巨大,请谨慎做空。做空 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的最简单方法是通过保证金交易,通常使用永续合约、期货合约、ETF/杠杆。 要开始做空Shiba Inu,需要在支持做空的交易所开一个保证金账户,同时需要做身份认证,然后需要持仓 Shiba Inu 或USDT,即为你的空头头寸提供一些抵押品(币本位或U本位)。请记住,做空 Shiba Inu 或任何其他加密货币是高风险的。目前支持做空Shiba Inu的交易所有:BinanceKrakenBybitKuCoinOKX(OKEx)本站的任何数据,文字以及其他内容均来自市场行情信息,不作为任何投资建议。Shiba Inu SHIBUSD US DollarSHIB 价格统计Shiba Inu 今日行情Shiba Inu 价格 $0.00003307价格变动24小时$-0.00000154 4.45%24h 最低价/24h 最高价$0.00003242 / $0.0000359524h成交额$1,288,239,330交易量/市值(24小时)6.61%市场占有率0.69%市场排名#11Shiba Inu 市值市值$19,497,458,289完全释放后的市值$33,070,000,000Shiba Inu 历史价格7天最低价/7天最高价$0.00001665 / $0.0000454530天最低价/30天最高价 $0.00000904 / $0.0000454590天最低价/90天最高价$0.00000839 / $0.0000454552周最低价/52周最高价$0.00000549 / $0.00004545历史最高价$0.00008834历史最低价 $0.00000001展开Shiba Inu (SHIB) 事件 3亿SHIB空投 254CEX.IO 向 65 位幸运参与者赠送总计 300,000,000 SHIB空投 Shiba Inu Metaverse ‘Land Bid’上线,抢先购买地块现已开放 219SHIB 元宇宙“土地竞标活动”已上线,锁定其持股的 Leash 持有者将获得优先访问权。产品发布 SHIB元宇宙发布 241SHIB:元宇宙将由 100,595 块土地组成。 每个情节都是一个令人兴奋的机会,可以成为沉浸式 Shiba 启发环境的一部分。产品发布热门币种迎新福利最高可获 30,000 USDT!立即注册 赞 助 GalaGALA$0.07632.88% SPACE IDID$1.0832.66% Yield Guild GamesYGG$1.1329.99% ETHPoWETHW$5.0122.23% 0x协议ZRX$0.793440.33%CoinCarp 提供加密货币行情、分析、资讯和图表。我们努力成为全球领先的加密货币市场数据提供商。 电报中文机器人 CoinCarp 中文社区关于CoinCarp 关于我们 使用条款 隐私政策 免责声明价格行情 比特币行情 以太坊行情 币安币行情 狗狗币行情支持 广告合作 收录申请 联系支持 常见问题捐赠我们BitcoinETH&USDT(ERC20)USDT(TRC20)© 2024 版权所有 为了给您提供良好的网站访问体验,我们将使用cookie来分析站点流量、个性化信息及广告目的。如想了解更多关于我们对cookies的使用说明,请阅读我们的 隐私政策 。如您继续使用该站点,将表明您授权同意我们使用cookies。 × ×

Shiba Inu price today, SHIB to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap

a Inu price today, SHIB to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCapCryptos: 2.2M+Exchanges: 723Market Cap: $2.61T0.48%24h Vol: $104.03B23.65%Dominance: BTC: 52.1% ETH: 17.9% ETH Gas: 63 Gwei Fear & Greed: 89/100CryptocurrenciesCryptocurrenciesRankingCategoriesGlobal ChartsHistorical SnapshotsBitcoin ETFsLeaderboardsTrendingRecently AddedGainers & LosersMost VisitedNFTOverall NFT StatsTop CollectionsUpcoming SalesOn Chain DataDex PairsChain RankingHot DEX PairsExchangesSpotDerivativesDEXCommunityFeedsTopicsLivesArticlesProductsPRODUCTSConverterCMC LabsTelegram BotAdvertiseCrypto APISite WidgetsCAMPAIGNSAirdropsDiamond RewardsLearn & EarnCALENDARSICO CalendarEvents CalendarLearnNewsAcademyResearchVideosGlossaryHalving: 37DWatchlistPortfolioSearch/Shiba Inu price SHIB$0.00003301  4.92% (1d)Shiba Inu to USD ChartLoading DataPlease wait a moment. Add to watchlist Shiba Inu statisticsMarket cap 4.92%$19,454,575,745#10Volume (24h) 36.83%$2,183,852,440#9Volume/Market cap (24h) 11.23%Circulating supply 589,289,410,812,691 SHIBTotal supply 589,534,086,491,242 SHIBMax. supply --Fully diluted market cap $19,462,653,374ContractsEthereum: 0x95ad...64c4ce Official linksWebsiteWhitepaperSocialsTwitterRedditDiscordTelegramRating  ·  Based on 2 institutional ratings4.5   Audits  CertiKNetwork informationChain explorersSupported walletsUCID5994  SHIB to USD ConverterSHIBUSDPrice performance24h Low$0.00003265High$0.00003598All-time highOct 28, 2021 (2 years ago)$0.00008845-62.68%All-time lowSep 01, 2020 (4 years ago)$0.0...08165+40434941.71%See historical dataPopularityIn watchlists1,997,046x65th / 9.0KTagsMemesEthereum EcosystemDoggone DoggerelMore informationDo you own this project? Update Token Info Loading DataPlease wait a moment. Shiba Inu community          Shiba Inu marketsALLCEXDEXSpotPerpetualFuturesAll pairsLoading data...Show full widthDisclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. CoinMarketCap may be compensated if you visit any affiliate links and you take certain actions such as signing up and transacting with these affiliate platforms. Please refer to Affiliate DisclosureShiba Inu news                    About Shiba InuWhat Is SHIBA INU (SHIB)?SHIB is a decentralized, community-led currency held by millions across the globe. Since its inception in late 2020, the Ethereum-based SHIB token has grown to become a worldwide phenomenon, and is now accepted as a form of payment at hundreds of locations, either directly or through third-party intermediaries.Shiba Inu coin was created anonymously in August 2020 under the pseudonym "Ryoshi." Ryoshi says about himself that he is a nobody and not important and that the efforts to unmask his identity, even if successful, would be underwhelming.This meme coin quickly gained speed and value as a community of investors was drawn in by the cute charm of the coin paired with headlines and tweets from personalities like Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin.Since release SHIB now trades on the ecosystem's proprietary DEX, ShibaSwap.Who Are the Founders of SHIBA INU?The SHIBA INU WoofPaper has three reasons why their team created SHIB:"We started from zero, with zero.""The brilliant minds behind Shib had never collaborated before.""We love Shiba Inu Dogs."The anonymous creator of the Shiba Inu coin is known as "Ryoshi." However, very little is known of the mystery founder of the dog-themed cryptocurrency, much like the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.In his blog RYOSHI RESEARCH, he characterizes himself as "just some guy of no consequence tapping at a keyboard." Ryoshi said that usually in projects there are different roles like a CEO, a "tech guy," and a roadmap, resulting in "someone plebs can bitch at." He stresses that with Shiba, no one person is accountable or responsible and underlines that he owns 0 SHIB to this day. For this reason, Ryoshi can be "pure and unbiased," getting satisfaction from Shiba "in other ways."It has been speculated that Vitalik Buterin was behind the initial liquidity that helped set up Shiba Inu's liquidity on Uniswap. According to Ryoshi, he had "a fren" he met at Devcon in Osaka that sent him 10 ETH to set up the liquidity pair on Uniswap. Ryoshi also stated that Shiba Inu was an experiment in decentralized community building, and he thus declined all the influencer requests and pitches from different exchanges he received. His "job" is to defend the brand and give suggestions, although he does so very sparingly, as his last blog entry dates back to May 2021.What Makes SHIBA INU Unique?Ryoshi's intention for Shiba Inu has been to see if a perpetual decentralized organization could work with no central leadership. In mid-2021, Ryoshi kept to his promise and stepped away, leaving the token entirely in the community's hands.The experiment was a succes, and in October 2021 SHIB briefly flipped Dogecoin to become the most-valued meme coin by market capitalization. Robinhood executive Christine Brown has lauded the efforts of the Shiba Inu community, saying that one of her favorite things was seeing it engage with the community to make its wishes heard.The price surge also led to increased adoption across token holders. WhaleStats compiled data of the largest ETH wallets and found that SHIB represents over 20% of the combined market shares of all ERC-20 tokens held by Ethereum whales. CRO was a distant second with only 5%. SHIB also surpassed the one-million holder mark following its all-time high.Additionally, retailers increasingly started adopting SHIB as a means of payment following its popularity among small-time investors. American electronics retailer Newegg added SHIB at the start of December 2021, partnering with crypto payments platform BitPay to unlock payments in SHIB. This followed the adoption of SHIB by over 500 merchants, according to payments firm CoinGate, with even Samsung-backed digital wallet provider ZenGo adding SHIB to its options and a restaurant in Paris accepting it as a payment option. At one point, the Shiba Inu community called for McDonald's to accept Shiba Inu, although the social media effort eventually fell short.A major reason for the surging price of SHIB was a continued effort by the SHIB community to build a utility for the Shiba Inu token and the subsequent emergence of an entire Shiba Inu ecosystem.ShibaSwap is the coin's designated DEX that started as a fork of Sushiswap that has, in the words of Ryoshi, its "own little twists and elements." Furthermore, Shiba Inu also plans to develop SHI, which will be the "global exchange of value for plebs," an algorithmic stablecoin pegged to one cent instead of one dollar as most other stablecoins.According to Ryoshi, the end goal is that SHI becomes a global stable currency "that plebs across all countries are able to use as both a store of value and method of payment."In addition to SHI, a financial ecosystem is planned, and SHI would be added as a weighted pool pair on Curve. In that case, Ryoshi expects forks of the major DeFi protocols to appear in the Shiba Inu ecosystem, which would require an immutable bridge to function.How Many SHIBA INU (SHIB) Coins Are There in Circulation?The SHIBA INU website notes that they locked 50% of the total token supply on Uniswap, and "threw away the keys!" The remaining 50% was "burned to Vitalik Buterin." In response to the "gift" from the Shiba Inu team, Vitalik Buterin sent 50 trillion SHIB tokens, worth $1 billion in Shiba Inu price at that time, to India's Covid Crypto Relief Fund. Buterin then burned 40% of the total supply to a dead wallet.How Is the SHIBA INU Network Secured?According to 22-page-long SHIB's WoofPaper, SHIB is an ERC-20 token based on Ethereum, a proof-of-work blockchain currently transitioning to proof-of-stake.Where Can You Buy SHIBA INU (SHIB)?It is possible to buy Shiba Inu on Binance, Huobi, Coinbase,, Uniswap (V2) and OKEx, among other exchanges.To check Shiba Inu price live in the fiat currency of your choice, you can use CoinMarketCap's converter feature directly on the Shiba Inu currency page. Alternatively, use the dedicated exchange rate converter page. Popular Shiba Inu price pairs include: SHIB/USD, SHIB/GBP, SHIB/AUD and SHIB/EUR.For more information about how to buy crypto with fiat, check out CoinMarketCap's education portal — Alexandria.SHIB: The Metaverse and ShibariumWhile looking to expand the utility of SHIB, the development team introduced a metaverse — a virtual reality project powered by non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Here, users can mint parcels of digital lands using ETH or its equivalent amount in SHIB tokens.According to the team, the goal is to create a fun, immersive and interactive environment where users can explore, earn passive income and collect in-game resources. Importantly, the metaverse will allow users to develop and launch their own projects. In total, there are 100,595 plots of land on SHIB: The Metaverse. Of the total, 36,431 digital lands were unlocked on April 13, 2022 – the launch date of the introductory phase of the metaverse.          Shiba Inu analyticsLoading...Popular Tokens on the Ethereum ChainEthereumETH$3,932.800.12%ChainlinkLINK$20.000.73%UniswapUNI$14.363.21%UNUS SED LEOLEO$5.654.13%ImmutableIMX$3.494.11%The GraphGRT$0.483633.48%PepePEPE$0.0000088615.44%MakerMKR$2,442.0712.90%QuantQNT$121.681.02%AxelarAXL$2.244.53%RenderRNDR$12.4717.26%Lido DAOLDO$3.381.10%The SandboxSAND$0.77328.57%dYdX (ethDYDX)ETHDYDX$4.192.17%AaveAAVE$130.790.49%Popsicle FinanceICE$0.0044170.84%Virtual ProtocolVIRTUAL$0.098467.03%PAWZONEPAW$0.00000493615.38%UnleashClubUNLEASH$0.00019712.58%OX CoinOX$0.014711.85%Most Visited CryptocurrenciesCatgirlCATGIRL$0.00000000111957.14%TABOO TOKENTABOO$0.0029315.64%EggdogEGG$0.00810118.23%RichQUACK.comQUACK$0.0000000013629.63%OpSecOPSEC$1.9610.14%MAGATRUMP$8.0012.73%Osaka ProtocolOSAK$0.000000366114.49%Baby ElonBABYELON$0.0000000000168312.39%L7LSD$7.415.25%Niza GlobalNIZA$0.010513.34%Pepe 2.0PEPE2.0$0.000000071633.69%MinuMINU$0.00000073191.06%Script NetworkSCPT$0.0403311.56%beobleBBL$0.234311.53%BitcoinBTC$69,311.711.33%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0$0.0000000634528.63%ArtyfactARTY$1.770.73%Shiba InuSHIB$0.000033014.92%ATOR ProtocolATOR$2.6418.52%EthereumETH$3,894.990.69%Global PricesSHIB/USDUnited States Dollar$0.00003301SHIB/EUREuro€0.00003017SHIB/GBPPound Sterling£0.00002568SHIB/CNYChinese Yuan¥0.0002372SHIB/CADCanadian Dollar$0.00004466SHIB/AUDAustralian Dollar$0.00004969SHIB/JPYJapanese Yen¥0.004855SHIB/KRWSouth Korean Won₩0.04348SHIB/RUBRussian Ruble₽0.003003SHIB/INRIndian Rupee₹0.002732SHIB/BRLBrazilian RealR$0.0001644SHIB/TRYTurkish Lira₺0.001051SHIB/PHPPhilippine Peso₱0.001833People also watchGoldMint$0.063360.75%Band Protocol$2.580.97%Uniswap$13.763.61%Firo$2.072.97%Chainlink$19.673.02%Oasis Network$0.17651.04%Blocknet$$9,972.143.49%Solar$0.48763.67%MahaDAO$1.638.25%TrendingPepe$0.0000083157.62%Childrens Aid Foundation$0.404721.41%FLOKI$0.000224411.03%Digiverse$1.1438.20%Shiba Inu$0.000033014.92%Shiba Inu Price Live DataThe live Shiba Inu price today is $0.000033 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $2,183,852,440 USD. We update our SHIB to USD price in real-time. Shiba Inu is down 4.92% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #10, with a live market cap of $19,454,575,745 USD. It has a circulating supply of 589,289,410,812,691 SHIB coins and the max. supply is not available.If you would like to know where to buy Shiba Inu at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Shiba Inu stock are currently Binance, BlueBit, OKX, LBank, and Bybit. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page.CryptocurrenciesTokensShiba InuProductsCMC LabsChatGPT PluginCrypto APICrypto IndicesDoodlesSitemapAdvertiseCompanyAbout usTerms of usePrivacy PolicyCookie preferencesCookie policyCommunity RulesDisclaimerMethodologyCareersWe’re hiring!SupportRequest FormContact SupportFAQGlossarySocialsX (Twitter)CommunityTelegramInstagramFacebookRedditLinkedIn© 2024 CoinMarketCap. All rights reserved

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1块钱变成35万!SHIB 2021回顾 - 知乎

1块钱变成35万!SHIB 2021回顾 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册1块钱变成35万!SHIB 2021回顾mitsuki0127什么是SHIB?Shiba Inu(SHIB)是在去中心化社区建设中进行的一项实验,它是类似于Dogecoin的另一种meme代币。SHIB是Shiba Inu的原生代币,它将是第一个被去中心化交易所ShibaSwap上线并用于激励措施的代币。SHIB 的初始总供应量为 1000 万亿,即 1000000000000000个代币。SHIB为ERC-20代币,价格保持在一分钱以下。SHIB只是个治理代币,LEASH(狗绳)是稳定币,BONE(狗骨头)是ShibaSwap交易所去中心化金融的代币,ART则是NFT(非同质化代币)的代币。BONE 是一种治理代币,总供应量为 2.5 亿。BONE 持有者可以通过 Doggy DAO 对 Shiba 协议的变更提出建议和投票,Doggy DAO 代表去中心化自治组织,是指由基于计算机的规则而非单一控制成员管理的组织。此外,BONE 用于奖励 ShibaSwap 平台上的流动性提供者。LEASH最初是一种与狗狗币挂钩的变基代币,其供应量由协议自动调整,以使其价格与狗狗币保持 1:1000 的比例。现在情况不再是这样,因为重新计算算法被删除,意味着 LEASH 现在充当 Shiba 生态系统中价值硬币的存储,供应量有限,只有 107,647 个硬币。SHIB、LEASH和BONE介绍SHIB 回顾2021 年 5 月,名为“Ryoshi”的SHIB的匿名创建者将总供应量的50%发送给了以太坊区块链的联合创始人之一 Vitalik Buterin,他立即销毁了他 90% 的代币,这意味着他永久删除他们从流通。Vitalik Buterin将剩余的 10% 捐赠给了慈善机构。2021年5月7日,马斯克在Twitter发文:正在寻找一只柴犬!随后柴犬币SHIB价格就开始上涨,抹茶交易所中价格从最低0.0000014美元涨到0.0000079美元,涨幅超4倍。2021年11月,SHIB的持有者地址超过100万。根据Etherscan 的数据,有 1002021 名 SHIB 持有者。持有者地址数量SHIB 价格SHIB在 2021 年 10 月 278日达到最高点,流通市值为 521.3 亿美元,截止撰稿文章时流通市值为187.99亿美元。排位加密货币市值排名第12位。流通代币数量大概为549.06万亿。SHIB首次发行于2021年2月1日,价格大概为¥ 0.000000063475,在2021年10月28日达到历史最高点¥ 0.00055972255,截止撰稿文章,目前价格为¥0.000216767(大概为0.00003415美元),即便为目前价格,一开始就投资的话,投资回报大概为35万倍,也就是1块钱就变成35万元。SHIB 预测Earthweb中的一篇文章预测,SHIB到 2022 年底价值可能为 0.00026 美元。到 2025 年底,柴犬的价格可能会达到 0.00039 美元。到 2030 年左右,柴犬的价格可能为 0.0009 美元。结语最后文章的预测价格过于乐观,由于SHIB代币数量巨大,需要进行销毁机制才有可能使得价格进行提升,如果按照2030年的0.0009 美元,其市值基本估计超越了比特币市值,这个笔者认为不太可能达到,并且今年SHIB已经投资回报超过35万倍,泡沫有点巨大。至于如何处理这个泡沫,是慢慢消耗还是捅破,让我们慢慢等待吧。不作为投资建议或推荐,投资有风险,投资应该考虑个人承受能力。发布于 2022-01-01 17:00狗狗币比特币 (Bitcoin)shib[超话]​赞同 4​​3 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

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Shiba Inu (SHIB) 历史价格| CoinLore

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 历史价格| CoinLore 主页 新闻 排行 热门加密货币列表 可采矿的货币 Masternode Coins 稳定币 私密加密货币 智能合约平台 热门加密货币对 Defi 项目 NFT 加密货币/协议 最近添加的 热门100货币 按总供应量排序的货币 热门100加密货币代币 按总供应量排序的代币 按货币排序的24小时货币量 热门上升与下跌货币 人物 加密货币细分市场 交易 交易 交易 (报告的交易量 Tools观察列表 投资组合 Cryptocurrency API Crypto Widgets 登录 USD JPY EUR CNY CHF GEL GBP CAD RUB AUD CZK DKK HKD HUF ILS INR MXN NOK NZD PLN SEK SGD THB TRY ZAR IDR KRW PHP VEF BRL PKR CLP MYR 简体中文 English ქართული Русский Español Français Deutsch Polski Türkçe Português 日本語 한국어 Română 简体中文 加密货币:11,886 市场:34,716 市值:$2,638,309,974,354 24小时 交易量:$173,419,541,310 比特币优势:51.5% 历史价格 概述/价格 交易所 / 交易 货币 Shiba Inu 历史价格 SHIB 历史价格 / 历史数据 Shiba Inu Shiba Inu (SHIB) $0.0000329USD (-5.06%) - $0.000001753194 买入 赌赢 Sponsored Tags: 代币 ERC20 网址 Explorer 1 Twitter (Feb 1, 2021) Reddit () Telegram Discord 源代码 首次价格 2021 三月 ($6.13E-8) 最低价格 2021 三月 ($4.01E-8) 最高价格2021 十月 ($0.0000725) 最佳年份 2024 最差年份 2022 最佳月份 十月 最差月份 三月 历史价格 Shiba Inu 表格 Shiba Inu 历史统计数据 年份 价格 最高 价格 最低 价格 Close 平均 市值 平均 交易量 最高 交易量 供应量 波动率 2021$0.0000171$0.0000885$3.74E-8$0.0000334$5.8 十亿$122.9 百万$1.6 十亿164.4 万亿269% 2022$0.0000159$0.0000348$0.0000072$0.0000081$8.8 十亿$1.2 十亿$10.5 十亿562.5 万亿108% 2023$0.0000093$0.0000156$0.0000056$0.0000103$5.3 十亿$109 百万$1.2 十亿571 万亿65% 2024$0.0000121$0.0000453$0.0000085$0.0000351$7.2 十亿$28.3 百万$101.4 百万589.3 万亿58% Shiba Inu 年度回报 年份 开始 结束 回报 % 2021$6.30E-8$0.0000334 2022$0.0000341$0.0000081 322.21% 2023$0.0000081$0.0000103 -21.34% 2024$0.0000107$0.0000351 -69.56% Shiba Inu 每月 年份 1 月 2 月 3 月 4 月 五月 6 月 7 月 8 月 9 月 10 月 11 月 12 月 2021 -1.32% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 2,186.58% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 558.10% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -4.48% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -28.92% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 9.50% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 4.43% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 832.95% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -29.16% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -29.55% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 2022 -36.03% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 20.35% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 0.06% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -17.32% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -45.10% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -12.03% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 13.86% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 3.37% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -6.38% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 10.37% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -24.91% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -13.48% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 2023 46.29% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 1.64% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -9.84% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -6.80% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -15.01% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -11.52% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 11.78% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -5.56% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -8.21% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 6.17% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 6.64% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 24.68% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 2024 -13.47% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 40.05% O:$0.00 C:$0.00 -100% O:$0.00 C:$0 SHIB OHLC 数据 日期开市高低闭市交易量交易量(SHIB)市值 03/09/2024 $0.0000352 $0.0000368 $0.0000340 $0.0000351 $101.4 百万 2,873,516,869,466 $20.8 十亿 03/08/2024 $0.0000314 $0.0000380 $0.0000311 $0.0000353 $93.7 百万 2,710,878,089,723 $20.4 十亿 03/07/2024 $0.0000339 $0.0000345 $0.0000296 $0.0000315 $82.7 百万 2,611,461,455,707 $18.7 十亿 03/06/2024 $0.0000356 $0.0000392 $0.0000308 $0.0000334 $93.3 百万 2,690,791,220,224 $20.4 十亿 03/05/2024 $0.0000371 $0.0000453 $0.0000270 $0.0000360 $71.2 百万 1,884,725,805,685 $22.3 十亿 03/04/2024 $0.0000226 $0.0000360 $0.0000217 $0.0000359 $96.7 百万 3,462,217,165,129 $16.5 十亿 03/03/2024 $0.0000227 $0.0000235 $0.0000199 $0.0000225 $55.7 百万 2,538,442,894,726 $12.9 十亿 03/02/2024 $0.0000168 $0.0000233 $0.0000168 $0.0000226 $63.1 百万 2,993,910,927,489 $12.4 十亿 03/01/2024 $0.0000126 $0.0000170 $0.0000125 $0.0000169 $38.6 百万 2,796,543,403,135 $8.1 十亿 02/29/2024 $0.0000117 $0.0000146 $0.0000115 $0.0000125 $33.4 百万 2,531,476,653,946 $7.8 十亿 02/28/2024 $0.0000109 $0.0000124 $0.0000107 $0.0000117 $29.7 百万 2,662,107,408,133 $6.6 十亿 02/27/2024 $0.0000101 $0.0000114 $0.0000100 $0.0000109 $31.1 百万 2,964,915,841,799 $6.2 十亿 02/26/2024 $0.0000097 $0.0000102 $0.0000095 $0.0000101 $24.2 百万 2,488,736,610,001 $5.7 十亿 02/25/2024 $0.0000096 $0.0000097 $0.0000096 $0.0000097 $19.5 百万 2,026,552,517,452 $5.7 十亿 02/24/2024 $0.0000095 $0.0000097 $0.0000094 $0.0000096 $19.3 百万 2,018,257,587,090 $5.6 十亿 02/23/2024 $0.0000096 $0.0000096 $0.0000094 $0.0000095 $18.4 百万 1,929,510,890,263 $5.6 十亿 02/22/2024 $0.0000096 $0.0000097 $0.0000094 $0.0000095 $18.5 百万 1,933,686,423,810 $5.7 十亿 02/21/2024 $0.0000098 $0.0000098 $0.0000093 $0.0000096 $23 百万 2,415,812,926,546 $5.6 十亿 02/20/2024 $0.0000099 $0.0000099 $0.0000095 $0.0000098 $22.7 百万 2,323,896,950,317 $5.8 十亿 02/19/2024 $0.0000097 $0.0000099 $0.0000097 $0.0000099 $19.9 百万 2,029,707,497,018 $5.8 十亿 02/18/2024 $0.0000096 $0.0000098 $0.0000096 $0.0000097 $19.4 百万 1,991,023,560,728 $5.7 十亿 02/17/2024 $0.0000099 $0.0000099 $0.0000094 $0.0000096 $19.4 百万 2,005,945,879,211 $5.7 十亿 02/16/2024 $0.0000099 $0.0000100 $0.0000097 $0.0000099 $19.4 百万 1,963,357,073,675 $5.8 十亿 02/15/2024 $0.0000098 $0.0000100 $0.0000097 $0.0000099 $23.7 百万 2,403,689,195,508 $5.8 十亿 02/14/2024 $0.0000095 $0.0000098 $0.0000094 $0.0000097 $18.9 百万 1,971,857,361,311 $5.7 十亿 02/13/2024 $0.0000096 $0.0000097 $0.0000094 $0.0000095 $20.1 百万 2,106,790,350,579 $5.6 十亿 02/12/2024 $0.0000094 $0.0000097 $0.0000092 $0.0000096 $21 百万 2,231,219,393,170 $5.5 十亿 02/11/2024 $0.0000094 $0.0000096 $0.0000094 $0.0000094 $22.3 百万 2,357,370,103,774 $5.6 十亿 02/10/2024 $0.0000094 $0.0000095 $0.0000093 $0.0000094 $20.8 百万 2,215,699,766,260 $5.5 十亿 02/09/2024 $0.0000092 $0.0000095 $0.0000092 $0.0000094 $21.4 百万 2,293,103,847,994 $5.5 十亿 02/08/2024 $0.0000091 $0.0000093 $0.0000091 $0.0000092 $20.2 百万 2,202,280,085,570 $5.4 十亿 02/07/2024 $0.0000089 $0.0000091 $0.0000088 $0.0000091 $16.4 百万 1,841,191,463,565 $5.3 十亿 02/06/2024 $0.0000089 $0.0000089 $0.0000088 $0.0000089 $16 百万 1,793,743,901,324 $5.2 十亿 02/05/2024 $0.0000089 $0.0000090 $0.0000088 $0.0000089 $14.1 百万 1,584,218,212,522 $5.3 十亿 02/04/2024 $0.0000091 $0.0000091 $0.0000089 $0.0000089 $14.6 百万 1,610,795,163,180 $5.3 十亿 02/03/2024 $0.0000091 $0.0000092 $0.0000090 $0.0000091 $16.1 百万 1,772,905,162,560 $5.4 十亿 02/02/2024 $0.0000090 $0.0000091 $0.0000089 $0.0000091 $14.7 百万 1,628,930,281,941 $5.3 十亿 02/01/2024 $0.0000090 $0.0000090 $0.0000088 $0.0000090 $15.7 百万 1,757,016,803,460 $5.3 十亿 01/31/2024 $0.0000091 $0.0000091 $0.0000089 $0.0000090 $18.2 百万 2,006,311,699,457 $5.3 十亿 01/30/2024 $0.0000092 $0.0000094 $0.0000090 $0.0000090 $19.7 百万 2,133,801,743,822 $5.5 十亿 01/29/2024 $0.0000090 $0.0000093 $0.0000089 $0.0000092 $20.9 百万 2,303,957,851,038 $5.4 十亿 01/28/2024 $0.0000091 $0.0000092 $0.0000089 $0.0000090 $17.5 百万 1,915,422,539,424 $5.4 十亿 01/27/2024 $0.0000091 $0.0000092 $0.0000090 $0.0000091 $19.2 百万 2,113,778,772,984 $5.4 十亿 01/26/2024 $0.0000089 $0.0000091 $0.0000088 $0.0000091 $19.3 百万 2,153,710,822,175 $5.3 十亿 01/25/2024 $0.0000089 $0.0000089 $0.0000087 $0.0000089 $15.8 百万 1,783,609,738,694 $5.2 十亿 相近货币 货币 价格 市值 24小时交易量 1小时 24小时 Milady Meme Coin (LADYS) 历史价格 $0.0000001 $89,534,032 $31,910 1.42% 33.31% Milady Meme Coin 币 价格 交易所 ArbDoge AI (AIDOGE) 历史价格 $3.79E-10 $66,182,195 $0 3.04% 42.91% ArbDoge AI 币 价格 交易所 Dejitaru Tsuka (TSUKA) 历史价格 $0.0523 $52,258,632 $4,273,538 -0.87% 17.28% Dejitaru Tsuka 币 价格 交易所 Samoyedcoin (SAMO) 历史价格 $0.0140 $51,341,725 $4,451,480 1.41% 11.15% Samoyedcoin 币 价格 交易所 Pepe (PEPE) 历史价格 $0.0000047 $1,970,557,054 $5,062,787 10.73% 61.83% Pepe 币 价格 交易所 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